Mituna - Libraries

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       "Shh!"  You, a library aide at the public library, were shushing a particular troll who refused to quiet down.  Even though a Teal-blooded female tried to get him to lower his voice, the vulgar things he was saying reached your (semi-)innocent ears.

      With the lisp, the random exclamations, and the slang, you could decipher half of it.  Instead of saying anything more, you sent them a dirty look and continued to place books in their desired places.

      Five minutes later, you were hushing the yellow-blood once again.  This time he actually quieted to a loud whisper/shout.  You were waiting for another person to complain about him. 

      You'd have to admit though.  The boisterous troll was rather attractive.  You finished your row and went to check out where a young girl was waiting.  After her was the noisy boy.

      The troll had a book titled 'Rad skillz on a board'.  So he was a skater.  You tried a couple of years ago, but couldn't even change directions.  "1'D L1K3 70 CH3CK 7H15 0U7 B17CH."  You raised an eyebrow.  "5H17, 7H47 C4M3 0U7 WR0NG.  1 M34N7 PL3453."  He smiled.

      "Do you have a card?"  The helmet he wore covered his eyes, so you couldn't see them go wide.

      "UH, N0?   WH47'5 7H47?"  Your kind smile almost looked fake, but was genuine.

      "Here.  Let me help you sign up for one.  What's your name?"  He somehow pursed his lips over his fang-like teeth.

      "Y0U'R3 5UPP053D 70 54Y Y0UR N4M3 F1R57, DUMB455."  You smiled.

      "I'm [y/n], who might you be, handsome?"  You placed your elbow on the desk and propped your chin on your hand.

      "M17UN4 C4P70R.  B0W D0WN B17CH."  Mituna was cute and almost seemed like he was cursing to act tough.

      "Well, Mituna, here's the form you need to fill out, and when it is, you can get that book checked out."  Mituna tok the clip board and tripped while walking back to his friend.

- - - - - - -

      "1 F1N15H3D Y0UR F#CK1NG F0RM.  C4N 1 H4V3 TH3 B00K N0W?"  You nodded.

      "You just have to sign this card, and You're all set."  The troll signed his name messily and using numbers; 'M17UN4 C4P70R' and watched as patiently as he could for you to check his book out.  When you had finished, you wrote your phone number on a book mark with a note; 'teach me to skate later? <3'

      "Here you go!  It's due in three weeks.  Good luck!"  Mituna's adorable smile seared into your memory and he, with his friend, went on their way.

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