Calliope - Love

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 All you ever saw was her gray text.  You knew nothing of her name nor her appearance.  Her location?  Out of the questions.  You didn't even know *when* she lived.  There was just something about the cherub that entranced you whenever you thought of her -  which was always.

 You always read every silver word she sent you, adored how her 'u's were different from the rest of her lowercase quirk.  You revered this cherub with her obsession over trolls and fanfiction.  She was all kinds of fabulous, even if you only assumed she was a girl.

 You, thus, were startled when she messaged you one day.  It read as follows; "[y/n]?  if i may inqUire something of yoU.  it was on something ms. lalonde mentioned...bUt what is 'love'?"  Panic filled you to the core - Roxy knew of your crush on the fanfiction author.

 "Well, I guess love is when you'd do anything for someone, even lay down your life.  You always want to be with them and they're constantly on your mind.  You'd see no fault in the them, find them perfectly imperfect."  Your thoughts traveled to the mystery person you were currently speaking to.  You were afraid that what she said next was what you thought it was.

 "roxy said that yoU loved me - is this trUe?"  You turned bright red when your eyes saw this message.  You were going to kill that drunkard one day.  At the same time, you were glad the cherub couldn't see you.

 What would you say if it was?"  You knew you were giving yourself away, but you had to know - good answer or not.  "Do you like me back?"  A moment passed, then another.

 "no, my apologies [y/n], i don't like yoU."  A thousand pieces replaced your heard.  "i love yoU.  too, that is.  i love yoU too."  You stared in disbelief.  Suddenly, you're up, dancing, squealing, singing, even crying.  The girl you loved, loved you back, and that's all you needed to know to change your mind on killing a certain Lalonde.

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