Trish and Lita hang out

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Trish's POV

Me and Lita are in my locker room hanging out before the show you see we use to enemies on screen but that was until 2 weeks ago our feud ended so T&A isn't feuding with team extreme anymore which I'm happy about.

Lita: so what do you think will happen to your team next?

Trish: not sure but I hope I go solo so I can win the woman's title at least once

Lita: sounds good plus you'll make a good champion you were always a good leader

Trish: thanks but I wouldn't be in the WWE if it wasn't for you your support helped me

Lita: you're my best friend

Trish: and you're mine

Lita: *smiles*

Trish: what about your team?

Lita: well Matt has told me his brother is coming back today

Trish: oh is that the guy with coloured hair?

Lita: yeah I'm surprised that you two haven't spoken yet?

Trish: well our teams were feuding and they didn't want anything to do with me and same with Test and Albert they didn't want to know you.

Lita: true but I'm sure you'll meet each other soon maybe you'll have a storyline together who knows in this business.

Trish: *laughs* that's true

Then Lita's phone dinged.

Lita: oh that's Matt I have to go I'll see you tonight after the show and we can meet at the hotel and have a girl night.

Trish: sure see you soon

Lita: bye

Lita walked out of my locker room while I got ready for tonight's show.

End of POV

Lita's POV

I walked through the corridor back to my locker room which I share with the Hardy Boyz I walked in and I saw Jeff.

Jeff: hey

Lita: hey you're back

Jeff: yeah

Lita: I'm glad that you're back

Jeff: really?

Lita: of course you're one of my friends Jeff

Jeff: *smiles*

Lita: where's Matt though he texted me to come back?

Jeff: he was here and then he left I think to find you but he didn't say

Lita: oh

Me and Jeff carried on talking we are like brother and sister but I think that Trish and Jeff would make a cute couple but they don't know each other that well.

Then the door opened and in walked Matt he saw me and smiled.

Matt: there you are I've been looking for you everywhere

Lita: I've been with Trish then you texted me saying that you wanted me back here so I came back and you weren't here but Jeff was.

Matt: you were with Trish?

Lita: you know Trish is my best friend Matt so don't start plus our teams aren't in that feud anymore.

Matt: fine

Jeff: who's Trish?

Lita: I'll tell you when you see her

Matt: I've told Jeff to be careful this time

Jeff: I know

Lita: Matt is right you have to be careful Jeff don't want you getting hurt

Jeff: I know

Matt: better get ready the show is about to start soon

We got ready for tonight's show.

End of POV

Trish's POV

I am with Test and Albert and we are in Vince's office talking about a storyline.

Vince: now because your feud with team extreme is over I've come up with a new storyline.

Trish: which is?

Vince: well Trish you'll be glad to hear that you're going solo

Trish: really?

Vince: yes so tonight in Test and Alberts match against APA you will turn your back on Test and Albert and we will start your solo career

Test: what happens to me and Albert?

Vince: you two will still be a team but you will be angry at Trish because she betrayed you but also shocked

Then there was a knock at the door and the APA walked in.

Vince: just in time I've just told T&A that Trish will betray them to help you two but I need you two to protect Trish because Test you will go for Trish.

Test: *nods*

Vince: so that's tonight's main event

Trish: okay Vince

We all walked out of the room and we went our separate ways I've actually gotten close to Test and Albert they feel like my older brothers.

Test: what's wrong Trish?

Trish: I hope we will still be friends after this

Albert: of course

Test: you've become like a little sister to me and Albert

Albert: yeah

Trish: thank you, you've become like 2 older brothers for me

Test: we know that you've got to have a solo career soon and we think now is a good time

Trish: thanks Test

We watched all the promos and matches that went on in tonight's episode of raw.

End of POV

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