Jeff's match

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Jeff's POV

I got ready for my match and when I ready I walked out of mine and my brother's locker room and headed to the curtain where I saw Trish she gave me a small smile I gave one back.

I saw Steven Richards waiting for me at the curtain along with Victoria they were a bit snobbish then his music hit.

Announcer: this match is set for one fall making his way to the ring being accompanied by Victoria ......Steven Richards!!

He got in the ring while Victoria walked to their side I sighed and Trish walked up to me.

Trish: you can do this Jeff I know you can 

Jeff: thanks Trish

Then my music played and I walked out then I did my dance and headed to the ring.

Announcer: and his opponent from Cameron North Carolina weighing in at 225 pounds ......Jeff Hardy!!

I slid into the ring and jumped on a turnbuckle and did our symbol then I jumped off and got in my corner the bell rang and match started.

End of POV

Matt's POV

Me and Lita are watching Jeffs' match.

Lita: so when did Jeff tell you that he liked Trish?

Matt: he told me when you and Trish teamed up against Stacy and Ashley 

Lita: well there was signs that he liked her but Trish doesn't know the signs

Matt: what do you mean?

Lita: she has been hurt by Tyler so she won't know the signs of someone liking her

Matt: you have a point 

Lita: so everything Jeff has done for her she could see it as a friend helping out another friend 

Matt: that's true 

We carried on talking about anything that came to our mind.

End of POV

Trish's POV

I was by the curtain watching the match and I saw Jeff going up top rope ready to do the swanton but Victoria grabbed his leg and he was struggling to get her off him I ran down to the ring and grabbed Victoria off his leg she went to hit me but she missed.

I hit Victoria with a chick kick and she went down I saw Jeff do the swanton and he went for the pin.

Ref: 1......2......3 ring the bell!

The bell rang and I slid in the ring and I raised Jeff's arm and then I kissed Jeff on the lips but when I did I felt sparks and butterflies in my stomach then Jeff got out of the ring and he held the rope down for me to get out which I did then he jumped off the apron and he helped me down and we walked up the ramp holding hands.


We got backstage and I smiled at him he smiled back.

Trish: are you okay?

Jeff: I am okay 

Trish: I am going to go back to my locker room 

Jeff: will you be okay on your own?

Trish: yeah 

Jeff: okay 

I walked back to my locker room while Jeff walked back to his and his brother's locker room.

*Outside Trish's locker room*

I walked in my locker room and I shut the door behind me I was thinking about the kiss and the sparks and the butterflies I felt could I be falling for Jeff Hardy but he is my best friend.

End of POV

Lita's POV

The door opened and Jeff walked in but no Trish I was confused because we saw Jeff and Trish walk backstage together so where is she.

Matt: hey bro

Jeff: hey

Lita: where is Trish?

Jeff: she went to her locker room I think she needed time on her own

Something ain't right I stood up and walked out of the room and went to Trish's locker room and I knocked on the door.

Trish: who is it?

Lita: it's Lita

Trish: come in

I walked in and I saw Trish sitting on her sofa confused. I closed the door behind me and I sat on the sofa next to her and Trish jumped.

Lita: Trish are you okay?

Trish: I don't know

Lita: what do you mean you don't know?

Trish: I kissed Jeff

Lita: yes like you were told to

Trish: but when I did I felt butterflies in my stomach and sparks 

Lita: Trish that is a good thing 

Trish: is it?

Lita: it means that you like Jeff more than a friend

Trish: but what if he doesn't like me back

Lita: Trish of course he does he will do anything to help you out and if that isn't love then I don't know what is I mean he even stayed the night at the hospital just to be by your side 

Trish: oh 

I helped Trish realise that her and Jeff are made for each other and I helped her calm down a little with her crush.

End of POV

Jeff's POV

Lita walked out of the room without a word and it worried Matt.

Matt: why did she walk out like that?

Jeff: maybe she went to visit Trish because I said that she was on her own 

Matt: didn't you tell Trish that you would be by her side

Jeff: I can't be by her side if she wants to be on her own but she will let Lita in she won't let me in and especally if it is girl talk

Matt: I guess 

Jeff: we will check on the girls in a min just let me get change 

Matt: alright

I went to get change out of my ring gear.

End of POV

Lita's POV

Me and Trish are talking about her crush.

Trish: do I tell him or....

Lita: if you want to tell him first that is fine Trish you know he isn't like Tyler 

Trish: I know that it is just with how that relationship was and how toxic it was 

Lita: I understand and so will Jeff 

Trish: *small smile*

We carried on talking about anything then there was knock on the door and I went to answer the door and it was the boys I invited them in and Trish gave a small smile to them and they sat down and we talked about anything that came to our minds.

End of POV

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