Feelings admitted

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Lita's POV

I have a tag team match with Trish it is against Stacy Kiebler and Ashley I am surprised that Vince put Ashley and Stacy together since those two don't like each other anyway it is Trish's first match and she can't wait I am a little worried about her but she has had the full clear from the doctors.

Trish is in her locker room getting ready for the match I am in the Hardy Boyz locker room well it is team extreme's locker room and since I am apart the team it is also my locker room. 

End of POV

Trish's POV

I am so happy it is my first match after being in hospital for so many weeks and it is against Ashley who is one of my best friends and Stacy Kiebler who is gosspier. I know Jeff, Matt and Lita are a little worried about me because of the accident I had and I don't blame them but I got the all clear from the doctors at the arena and the hospital. 

I am nearly done getting I just needed to grab my hat when I heard a knock on the door.

Trish: come in!

The door opened and in wlaked Jeff.

Trish: hey Jeff

Jeff: hey 

Trish: what's up?

Jeff: can you promise me that you will be careful

Trish: I will try 

Jeff: okay and good luck 

Trish: thanks Jeff 

Jeff: *smiles*

Trish: I better go meet Lita at the curtain 

Jeff: me and Matt will watch your match

Trish: thanks Jeff you're sweet

I walked out of my locker room and headed to the curtain. 

*At the curtain*

I was met up with Ashley she saw me and hugged me.

Ashley: hey girl how are you?

Trish: I am alright you

Ashley: I am good besides being teamed up with Stacy

Trish: I feel ya 

Ashley: *smiles*

Then I saw Lita walking this way she saw me and smiled and Stacy was the last to arrive she didn't acknowlegde any of us and her music played first.

Announcer: this tag team match is set for one fall first making her way to the ring.....Stacy Kiebler!!

Stacy got in the ring and did a pose and then she waited for Ashley. Ashley's theme hit and the crowd cheered.

Announcer: and her tag team partner.....Ashley!!

Ashley got in the ring and jumped on a turnbuckle and pointed to the crowd and then jumped off the turnbuckle and walked over to Stacy.

Lita: you ready?

Trish: yeah

Lita's theme hit next and she walked out.

Announcer: and their opponents from Florida .....Lita!!

Lita got in the ring and jumped on a turnbuckle and did a symbol then she jumped off and waited for me I heard my music hit and I walked down the ramp and I pointed to the crowd.

J.R: I don't believe it it's Trish she is back!

Announcer: and her tag team partner from Toronto Canada.....Trish Stratus!!

I got in the ring and pointed to the crowd again and they cheered louder. The bell rang which meant that the match started I got out of the ring and so did Ashley Lita and Stacy started the match.

End of POV

Jeff's POV

Me and Matt are watching the girls match and so far they are winning right now Trish and Stacy are in the ring against each other while Lita is on the apron and Ashley is lying on the apron in their corner.

Matt: you okay bro?

Jeff: yeah I just hope Trish will be okay

Matt: she will be fine she is strong just like I told you she will pull through that coma and she did 

Jeff: yeah but Stacy won't care about that 

Matt: Lita won't let that happen she will help Trish anyway she can so she won't go back in the hospital

Jeff: I know 

Matt: so what is wrong Jeff?

Jeff: *sighs* you were right

Matt: about?

Jeff: me liking Trish more than a friend

Matt: you like Trish more than a friend?

Jeff: *nods*

Matt: that is great 

Jeff: how is it? She might not like me back

Matt: and she might feel the same

Jeff: I don't know 

Me and Matt carried on talking about anything plus Matt was helping me with my crush on Trish.

End of POV

Trish's POV

I was in the ring against Ashley and Ashley grabbed me and pushed me into the turnbuckle and then she ran towards me which I dodged and I then pushed her to the top turnbuckle and I wrapped my legs around her head and threw her off and then I went for the pin.

Ref: 1.......2.......3 ring the bell!!

The bell rang and Lita got in the ring and ran up to me and hugged me.

Lita: that was amazing

Trish: *smiles*

Announcer: here are your winners Trish Stratus and Lita!!!

Me and Lita got out of the ring and we walked up the ramp and we headed backstage and went to get a drink.

*At the drinks table*

We were standing by the drinks table and people were congrautlating me on our win then I saw Ashley she walked up to us and gave us a smile.

Ashley: well done Trish

Trish: are you okay?

Ashley: I will be fine but Stacy she wasn't happy that we lost

Lita: when is she ever happy?

Trish: *smiles* that's true 

Ashley: I knew you could beat us 

Trish: I wanted to get back in the ring after weeks of not being here 

Lita: she was excited for the match 

Ashley: you haven't lost your touch even though you went in hospital

Trish: *smiles* thank you Ash

Lita: we better head back to the Hardy Boyz locker room

Trish: yeah

Ashley: bye girls

Lita & Trish: bye Ash

We made our way to the Hardy Boyz locker room.

End of POV

Matt's POV

The door opened and in walked Trish and Lita with a drink in their hand and they smiled.

Jeff: well done in your match 

Matt: yeah congrats on winning

Lita: it was thanks to Trish

Trish: you helped Lita 

We carried on talking about the match.

End of POV

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