At the hospital

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Jeff's POV

I have been by Trish's side for 2 hours and I have spoke to her even though she can't hear me it might help her wake up quicker but I have gone out to get myself a drink anyway I am waiting for my brother and Lita I heard that he lost his match since Lita had texted me that they are coming and that Matt lost his match and what had happened.

End of POV

Lita's POV

Christian pulled up on the hospital car park me and Matt got out and we thanked Christian then he drove off and we walked into the hospital.

*In the hospital*

We walked up to the front desk and the lady behind the desk smiled.

Lady: hello how can I help you 

Lita: we are here to see Trish Stratus

Lady: she is in room 875

Matt: thank you

We headed to room 875.

*Outside room 875*

We walked in the room and I saw Trish lying lifeless on the bed and Jeff was in the chair next to the bed and he looked like he was going sleep I shushed Matt and he was confused until he saw Jeff. 

Lita: I will find out who did this to her 

Matt: we all will 

Lita: I am convinced it was Tyler 

Matt: you can't accuse someone of something without proof

Lita: he is shiffty 

Then I saw Jeff wake up.

Lita: sorry didn't mean to wake you up

Jeff: nah it's okay 

Matt: has the doctors had said anything about her condition?

Jeff: just that they have done a CT scan and that there is no damage to the brain and there is 0% chance of memory loss 

Lita: that's good 

Jeff: they just don't know when she will wake up 

Matt: oh 

Jeff: I don't know if she can hear us 

Lita: hopefully she can 

Jeff: I hope so too

Matt: we will all help her when she wakes and if you talk to her doesn't matter if she can hear or not it might help her wake up soon

Jeff: that is what I was thinking

Lita: *smiles*

We carried on talking about anything that came to our minds and we even included the match Jeff was shocked to hear that I saw Tyler and he was even more shocked at what Christian had said that he does.

Jeff: he must be stalking her 

Lita: do you think?

Jeff: why else would he hang lout by the arena after the show and it won't be to get autographs since he hates wrestling 

Matt: Jeff has a point

Lita: but wouldn't he know that Trish is in the hospital

Jeff: maybe he does and he is after us 

Matt: why though

Jeff: we are close to Trish and we find out that it was Tyler that hurt her then his plan fails

Lita: what plan?

Jeff: I think he wanted to hurt Trish so she would lose her memory and then he could fill her head up with lies about us 3 and then he would have Trish all to himself and if he thinks that we are on to him about the accident he might hurt us.

Lita: oh 

Matt: makes sense but how can we be so sure

Jeff: the only person who knows what truly happened about the accident is here and unconcious 

Lita: well there is Tyler but he won't tell you anything 

Matt: *nods* that's right 

Jeff: so our best hope is Trish 

Lita: I do hope she wakes up soon

Jeff: so do we

Matt: *nods*

We carried on talking about the theory and the more we talked about it the more sense it made and the more real it could be and it was shocking at how low someone would go just to have someone back in their life. 

Matt: I am going to get myself a drink from the canteen do you two want anything

Jeff: yes please

Lita: and me 

Matt: alright

Matt walked out of the room and he headed to the canteen while me and Jeff carried on talking about the accident and how we found Trish and how it haunts us. 

Jeff: I might stay here tonight

Lita: really?

Jeff: well yeah because if Tyler is around he might come here and hurt Trish even more which could worsen her conditon 

Lita: do you really think he would do that?

Jeff: Lita he pushed her down the stairs and didn't care to call an ambulance and her head was on the bottom step bleeding 

Lita: okay you have a point and he might make it out that we did it

Jeff: see 

Then the door opened and in walked Matt with our drinks.

Jeff: thanks Matt

Lita: thanks babe

Matt: *smiles*

We talked a lot until it got late and visiting hours were over but Jeff asked the doctor if he could stay and he explained everything about Tyler and he agreed.

Jeff: here are the keys to the car

Matt: thanks 

Lita: see you tomorrow

Jeff: bye 

We walked out of the room and headed to the car.

End of POV

Jeff's POV

I was given a pillow and a blanket by the doctor who is tending to Trish and he smiled.

Doctor Samson: get some rest your friend will need you when she wakes up

Jeff: thank you doctor for letting me stay

Doctor Samson: well with the guy that is after her I can't risk her getting more hurt and with the closeness of your relationship I guess you could protect her better 

Jeff: thank you 

Then he walked out. I placed my hand on Trishs' hand.

Jeff: I will always protect you Trish and when you wake up and tell us who did this to you I will be there to get answer on why they did it to you because you don't deserve to be hurt I will be by your side through all of this I promise.

I then got the pillow into placed and put my head on it and pulled the blanket over me and fell asleep.

End of POV

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