2 weeks later

23 0 0

Trish's POV

It's been 2 weeks since me and Jeff became friends and 1 and half week since me and Matt became friends and I'm happy and so is Lita.

Right now I'm in my locker room watching a match I haven't got one today which I'm thankful for anyway I heard a knock.

Trish: come in!

The door opened and in walked Jeff.

Jeff: hey

Trish: hey

Jeff: how come you're hiding here?

Trish: I'm not hiding

Jeff: why are you here then?

Trish: because it's my locker room?

Jeff: you know what I mean you can join us in our locker room

Trish: I'm alright

Jeff: you sure?

Trish: yeah besides I saw that you and your brother have a match so it's best that I stay here

Jeff: okay I'll be back to check on you

Trish: okay

Jeff hugged me then walked out he is the bestest friend I could ever ask for he's sweet and caring he always wants to know if I'm okay and he always knows if something is wrong.

I saw the Hardyz go out to the ring and their opponents followed I smiled then I stood up and walked out of the room to get myself a drink.

I met up with Ashley she's another good friend of mine.

Ashley: hey Trish

Trish: hey Ash

Ashley: how are you?

Trish: I'm good you

Ashley: yeah I'm good

Trish: that's good to hear

Ashley: so I heard that you aren't with Test and Albert anymore

Trish: no that is over but we are still good friends

Ashley: that's good what do you think will be in store for you next?

Trish: not sure but I hope it's good what about you?

Ashley: same really

Trish: we should hang out outside the arena

Ashley: yeah I agree

Trish: *smiles*

Ashley: I better go it was nice to talk to you

Trish: same bye Ash

Ashley: bye Trish

I grabbed a drink and then walked back to my locker room.

End of POV

Lita's PoV

I was down at ringside with the Hardy Boyz they were against Edge and Christian in a normal tag match I saw that Christian was distracting the ref so Edge could hit Matt with a chair but I ran to Christian and gave him a hurricanrana.

The ref saw what Edge was about to do and he took the chair off him and he told the bell keeper to ring the bell.

Announcer: the winners of the match due to a disqualification the Hardy Boyz!

Edge and Christian were not happy I helped Matt out of the ring then Jeff and we walked up the ramp while the boys music played we got backstage.

Jeff: I'm glad that the match is over

Matt: same

Lita: I'm going to Trish's locker room

Jeff: okay

I walked to Trish's locker room while the boys headed to their locker room.

Outside Trish's locker room

I knocked on the door and I heard Trish shout "come in" so I walked in and she smiled.

Trish: hey

Lita: hey

Trish: congrats on the match

Lita: thanks but I don't think the boys see it that way

Trish: what? If it weren't for you seeing Christian distracting the ref Matt would've been put in the hospital

Lita: I know but they will come 'round

Trish: let's hope

Lita: shall we hang out tonight?

Trish: sure

Lita: where shall we go?

Trish: the park?

Lita: sure and we can go to the café

Trish: great

*After the show*

Once the show had finished me and Trish packed our things and then we walked to this cafe that was close by and it was a nice little cafe which had a view of the park that was close by.

Trish: tonights show was crazy

Lita: I agree 

Trish: have the Hardyz come round about their match?

Lita: not sure I haven't spoke to them since the match so I guess we will see tomorrow 

Trish: I hope they do I meanyou were trying to help them and if you didn't interfere then Matt would've been in the hospital or Jeff would've been or both of them 

Lita: I know

We both ordered a drink and we carried on talking about tonights show and how it went and how the crowd was.

Trish: ready to go for a walk?

Lita: yeah 

I paid for the drinks and then we both left the cafe and we walked through the park talking about random things and laughing as well until my phone rang.

Lita: hold on

Trish: who is it?

Lita: it's Matt

Trish: answer it he might be worried about where you are

Lita: *nods*

I answered my phone 

*Phone convo*

Italics - Lita

Bold - Matt


Lita where are you?

Walking through a park with Trish why?

Why didn't you tell me?

Because you were angry I messed up your match 

Look I am sorry about that 

I forgive you 

When will you be back?


Okay see you soon 

*End of phone convo*

I put my phone back in my pocket and we carried on walking.

Trish: so did he apologise?

Lita: yeah 

Trish: that's good

Lita: yeah anyway it is getting late we better get back to the hotel

Trish: hyeah you are right

We walked back to the hotel.

End of POV

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