Later that day

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Lita's POV

I am confused on how Trish knows this Tyler guy she hasn't said anything about him but it seems like Jeff knows so what happened anyway me and Matt are in a cafe talking about it while Jeff and Trish are back at the hotel.

Matt: I wonder what happened between Trish and Tyler 

Lita: but why didn't she tell me 

Matt: maybe she wanted to keep it in the past

Lita: maybe

Matt: whatever it is, it seems bad she looked nervous 

Lita: yeah but she has to tell us now 

Matt: I know 

We carried on talking about the situation.

End of POV

Trish's POV

I am in mine and Lita's hotel room with Jeff and he is helping me with my neck it is sore so I have to put ice on it but besides that I am okay but also he is calming me down because of the Tyler incident that happened earlier and he is helping a lot.

Trish: thanks for this Jeff

Jeff: no problem what are friends for

Trish: *smiles*

Jeff: but I do have one question why did you tell me and not Lita?

Trish: I wanted to keep it in the past plus I hoped to never see his face again so I thought that I would never have to bring it up and with me telling you first well I trust you a lot and I know that you will help me 

Jeff: *smiles*

Trish: I hope Lita isn't mad at me for keeping it from her

Jeff: she might be but when she sees it from your side she will understand

Trish: thanks Jeff but what about Matt?

Jeff: right now I am guessing he is trying to make Lita see it from your side 

Trish: *smiles*

We carried on talking about anything that came to our minds then there was a knock on the door and Jeff stood up and opened the door and there stood Matt and Lita with a sad smile.

Matt: can we come in?

Trish: sure

Matt and Lita walked in the room and sat on Lita's bed I was confused a bit and so was Jeff he closed the door and sat beside me. 

Lita: why didn't you tell me?

Trish: I thought I would never have to see his face again

Matt: what happened between you two if you don't mind me asking?

Trish: we dated in high school and at first he was a nice guy he would be protective and loving but he got sucked in by the popular group and something inside him snapped and he started to be horrible to me and he would say horrible things and he even hit me a few times I got out of the relationship before it got even worse.

Lita: oh my gosh I am so sorry Trish 

Trish: I am sorry that I didn't tell you I just thought I wouldn't see his face ever again 

Lita: it's okay 

Matt: how did Jeff find out first though?

Trish: well....

Jeff: when he came up to us three I knew something was off about him and then when he saw Trish he ran after her so I followed him he thought he snuck away without us noticing but I did and then I heard shouting from Trish's locker room so I ran in and saw that he was getting angry and he was about to hit Trish but I stopped him and then he ran off. 

Matt: why didn't you tell us you that you had a weird vibe about him?

Jeff: he just barged in and plus he waited right behind us waiting for one of us to notice him so I really couldn't say anything 

Lita: true

Trish: he is a big liar 

Matt: so him saying he was a fan of team extreme  was a lie?

Trish: *nods* he has always hated wrestling he used to make fun of people who liked it including me when he found out 

Jeff: *hugs Trish*

Trish: *hugs back*

Lita: how could he be so horrible 

Trish: *pulls away from the hug and shrugs her shoulders*

Matt: well we will help you if he ever comes near you again

Lita: yeah we won't let him trick us again 

Jeff: *smiles*

Trish: *smiles* thank you guys 

We carried on talking about anything and I told them more about Tyler when they asked a question about him and when it got later the boys left and Lita hugged me and I hugged back.

Lita: when you said that you knew him and you hadn't told me I was a little angry because I thought we were best friends and we told each other everything but Matt helped me see that there could be a reason why you wanted to keep it a secret and when you told us I could see why so I am sorry.

Trish: it's okay I didn't mean to make you angry you know I would've told you if I knew he would show up

Lita: I know 

Trish: besties?

Lita: forever

We then got ready for bed and turned the light off and fell asleep.

End of POV

Jeff's POV

Me and Matt got back to our hotel room and when Matt closed the door.

Matt: so you and Trish 

Jeff: what about me and Trish?

Matt: you two seem to be getting close

Jeff: well we are sorta best friends

Matt: that close 

Jeff: yeah she is fun to be around 

Matt: are you sure you don't like her more than a friend

Jeff: not this again we are friends Matt now leave it

Matt: okay

We both got ready for bed and turned the light out and went sleep.

End of POV

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