Jeff asks Trish out

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Lita's POV

Me and Jeff are at a small cafe talking about how he will ask her out and he doesn't want to make it a big deal and I agree.

Lita: so you want casual 

Jeff: yeah but I want a nice setting for her 

Lita: how about the park near the pond?

Jeff: nice yeah 

Lita: great because you don't want to make a big scene 

Jeff: no because people will talk

Lita: *nods*

Me and Jeff carried on talking about this little "hang out" for him and Trish.

End of POV

Trish's POV

I am with Matt and we are walking through the park talking about WWE, life and how his relationship with Lita is going but also getting to know each other better.

Matt: so Trish, Lita has told me 

Trish: told you what?

Matt: that you like my brother

Trish: yeah 

Matt: don't give up hope 

Trish: but he might not like me back

Matt: I know my brother and he does 

Trish: *small smile* thanks Matt 

We carried on talking about anything.

End of POV

Jeff's POV

Me and Lita have been discussing a lot of things for the past few hours and I have decided that I will ask Trish out by the pond at the park and I will take a flower it is casual and I think she will like it but I will have to do it after the show.

Lita: come on we have to go the show starts soon

Jeff: *nods*

We headed to the show where we were met up with Matt and Trish they smiled.

Lita: come on Trish we have a match tonight 

Matt: so do we Jeff

Jeff: alright 

The girls match was first and they were against Victoria and Molly Holly and they came out on top which is good and then it was our turn for our match but Matt hasn't told me who our opponents were.

End of POV

Lita's POV

Me and Trish won our match and when we came backstage we went straight to Trish's locker room and we changed back into our normal clothes and we watched the Hardyz match and they were against the Dudley Boyz. 

Trish: I hope the boys will be okay

Lita: they will be fine 

Trish: *smiles*

We carried on talking about anything that came to our minds and we were laughing about a few things as well but that came to an end when we heard the Dudley Boyz theme so we knew that they won the Hardyz didn't look too injured.

End of POV

Jeff's POV

Bubba Ray had pinned Matt and they picked up the win and I was lying outside the ring I slowly moved and I slowly got up and I grabbed Matt and pulled him out of the ring and we slowly walked backstage.


We got backstage and we were met up with Lita and Trish they looked worried.

Lita: are you guys okay?

Jeff: we are okay don't worry

Trish: Lita you grab Matt I will help Jeff

Lita: *nods*

Trish wrapped her arm around my waist and I wrapped my arm around her shoulder and she helped me to my locker room and Lita did the same with Matt. 

*Inside the Hardyz locker room*

We got inside our locker room and the girls helped us sit down.

Trish: me and Lita will get a drink for you both 

Jeff: thanks Trish

Trish: no problem 

The girls walked out of the room and Lita closed the door behind her me and Matt got changed out of our ring gear and into our usual clothes.

End of POV

Lita's POV

Me and Trish got a drink for the boys while they got changed out of their ring gear and then soon the show will be over and then Jeff can ask Trish out anyway we were making our way back to the Hardyz locker room.

*Outside the Hardyz locker room*

I knocked on the door.

Matt: come in!

I opened the door to see both Matt and Jeff sitting on their sofas in their usual clothes Trish followed me in I gave Matt his drink and Trish gave Jeff his drink we sat by them.

End of POV

Trish's POV

The show had just ended and Jeff is taking me to the park while Matt and Lita are going to a cafe.

Trish: are you okay Jeff?

Jeff: I am okay

Trish: you sure?

Jeff: I am sure no need to worry

Trish: I will always worry about you

Jeff: and I will always worry about you 

Trish: *smiles*

Jeff: *smiles back*

We reached the pond and Jeff held my hand I started to blush.

Jeff: Trish will you be my girlfriend?

Trish: yes 

Jeff handed me the flower he had in his other hand and I was shocked he gave me a little kiss I kissed back.

Jeff: I love you Trish

Trish: I love you too 

We then made our way to the cafe where Matt and Lita are and we told them that we are together they were happy for us and we sat at the same table and we held hands while Matt and Lita held hands.

End of POV

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