A new storyline

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Jeff's POV

I got called into Vince's office for a meeting but I don't know what about it was all of a sudden.

Matt: why would Vince call you in his office for a meeting and not me 

Jeff: not sure but I am going to find out 

Matt: alright Lita will be here when you get back she is with Trish at the moment 

I walked out of the room and headed Vince's office.

End of POV

Trish's POV

I was in my locker room with Lita.

Lita: why does Vince want to have a meeting with you?

Trish: don't know maybe a new storyline or he wants me to have a match 

Lita: when is this meeting?

Trish: soon 

Lita: well I will be with the Hardyz 

Trish: alright and I will meet you there to tell you what went on

Lita: okay 

I walked out of my locker room and headed to Vinces' office I knocked on the door.

???: come in!

I opened the door and saw Vince he beckoned me in and I walked in and closed the door.

Vince: Trish sit down 

I sat in one of the chairs.

Trish: you wanted to see me

Vince: I did 

Trish: may I ask what is it about?

Vince: you will find out in a min

I nodded then there was a knock on the door.

Vince: come in!

The door opened and in walked Jeff I gave a small smile and he was told to sit in the chair beside me and he did after he closed the door.

Vince: now I called you both here for a reason 

Jeff: which is?

Vince: well as you know your brother and Lita made up excuses for you so you could spend time with Trish while she was in hopsital and I let it slide and I bet you are wondering why

Trish: yeah Lita told me and I was confused on why you let it slide

Vince: because I came up with a storyline for the both of you 

Jeff: which is?

Vince: you and Trish will be in a  love storyline so you will be onscreen boyfriend and girlfriend and it starts today I have seen how much chemistry you two have and I think the fans can get behind you two being together. Jeff you have a match against Steven Richards tonight and he will have Victoria down at ringside and she will try to stop you from winning then Trish will come running down and stop her and then you will pin Steven Richards and you two kiss.

Trish: okay

Jeff: okay 

Vince: great we will see how this storyline goes 

We both nodded.

Vince: you two are free to go 

We got up and walked out of the room and I was thinking about the storyline and the kiss I have to kiss my best friend.

End of POV

Jeff's POV

Is the world against me? I like Trish and then Vince comes up with the storyline so we are on screen boyfriend and girlfriend and then she has to kiss me.

Trish: Jeff are you okay?

Jeff: yeah I am fine 

Trish: you thinking about your match or the storyline?

Jeff: both 

Trish: oh

We walked back to the Hardyz locker room in silence.

End of POV

Lita's POV

I am in the Hardyz locker room Matt told me that Jeff had a meeting with Vince and he was confused on why he wanted just Jeff and not both of them.

Lita: well Trish had a meeting with Vince maybe they have the meeting together

Matt: maybe but what would Vince come up?

Lita: oh no

Matt: what?

Lita: he let it slide when we told him that Jeff was staying by Trish's side maybe he is telling them off

Matt: or he has come up with a storyline for them together

Lita: what is bad about them having a storyline together?

Matt: if it is a love storyline then it is bad

Lita: why?

Matt: Jeff has realised that he loves Trish more than a friend

Lita: oh 

Matt: and he isn't sure if Trish likes him back and he is worried about it 

Lita: I can help there 

Matt: thanks babe

Lita: no problem

Then the door opened and Jeff and Trish walked in quietly.

Matt: how was the meeting

Trish: okay

Lita: what did Vince want?

Jeff: to tell us he is putting me and Trish in a love storyline 

I was shocked this is bad.

Matt: why?

Trish: because he has seen how close me and Jeff are and he thinks that the crowd can get behind that also because you and Lita made up those excuses for him it showed that he loved me and now Vince wants us to be on screen boyfriend and girlfriend.

Jeff: I have a match later tonight against Steven Richards and Victoria is going to be down at ringside with him and she is going to stop me from winning somehow and then Trish is going to come running down to the ring and stop Victoria and then she is supposed to kiss me once I win.

Me and Matt were shocked Jeff and Trish carried on telling us what Vince wanted and how the meeting went. 

Matt: when is your match?

Jeff: later

Lita: I think someone will come and say when it is close to Jeffs' match

Trish: *nods*

We carried on talking until Coach came and told Jeff to get ready and told Trish to go to the curtain she nodded and walked out of the room while Jeff got ready for his match.

End of POV 

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