i'm still the real y/n

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hello guys!

i see that this book has been getting a bit of attention again, also the parts about my life i've shared to you guys here.

just to update, we broke up may of 2022. our relationship ended after two years, and the last quarter of it was the worst thing one person could ever experience.

it hurt a lot for me to end it - but i had grown as a person and you'll realise that in most cases love isn't enough to keep a relationship going. the pain that was the fruit of that relationship was simply too much to bear and it was painful to think that i wasn't worth something i once was.

there was a lot of anger, fear and regret.

but i've strayed away from that and i've learned to accept that it was out of my control. he became a disgusting person, that's on him and i did what i could.

i'm in a much better relationship now! he treats me much better and our relationship feels much more mature and productive. (if ur curious still abt this one then tell me i gotchu 🤘)

i have no more regrets or anger. that was the best outcome possible.

i'm sharing this in case any of you are in a bad situation right now with your loved one.

i know, sometimes you want to keep holding on. but how badly are you willing to hold on when your hands are bleeding?

if he says he loves you but acts differently, don't cling onto words. words are empty unless consistently proven otherwise.

don't cling onto what was a good past either, or hopefulness about the future. in the moment, we have neither. there's only our memories and our imagination.

but that's not what we're experiencing, we only have right now and this moment. you're here now. don't let your memories or your imagination alter your perception of your life.

it's okay to let go, to leave - you deserve to breathe. don't feel bad to put yourself first. 

i love you all, thank you

i'm sorry i haven't been writing
time went by so quickly and now i'm suddenly grown up working a corporate job three days a week and going university two days a week

i'll try to again! again thank you for your support

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