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———————————DURING THE CALL———————————

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"bakugou-chan! good morning!"
"tch. goldie."
"oh, my. that sounded adorable."
"what the fuck are you fucking talking about?"
"that 'tch'!"
"why the fuck did you wanna call anyway?"
"noise helps me sleep."
"tch. fine."
"you need to stop doing that!"
"bitch, fucking doing what? i'm not fucking doing anything!"
"stop sounding so cute."
"fuck off. did you call to fall asleep or to flirt?"
"why not both?"

silence filled the air for a few seconds.

"what the fuck do you want?"
"don't you usually train around 4AM?"
"how the fuck did you know that?"
"i just noticed. anyway, why are you wasting your time here with me instead of training?"
"well— that's... you need to sleep, and you needed help with that from me. your well-being is important, too. Or something... s-so i guess it's not really a waste of time."
"eh? i'm worthy of the future number one hero, the great bakugou's time?!"
"shut up. how are you supposed to fall asleep when you keep fucking talking??"
"but you might leave me."
"i'm correct. am i not?"
"no. i want you to sleep. so fucking get your sleep. i'll stay here until you fall asleep, fuckhead."
"no matter how long it takes?"
"yes, so fucking shut your mouth and your eyes already."
"okay, bakugou-chan! keep talking, tell me more about you!"
"what the fuck? like what?"
"what type of shit you like. what type of shit you eat. what type of shit you do. what type of shit you are. what type of—"
"okay, okay. shut the fuck up already."

"i fucking love spicy shit. that shit's the best! oh, and there's this really fucking great ass ramen place near yuuei! i think it's called ramen star? i don't fucking know. kirishima, the others and i fucking eat there a lot. and then—,"

and so, for the rest of the call, bakugou continued talking about himself. somewhat rambling just like midoriya.

"there's this fucking kid, deku. he fucking sucks ass. 'he can go die for all I care..' is probably what first year me would've said to you," he starts. "but you know what, he still fucking sucks. i hate him and his stupid nerd ass. but he has my respect, i guess... but that doesn't change the fact that he's a stupid fucking nerd!"

he hears soft snores which confirms that she's now asleep.

that took a while.  now he can't train like he usually does. but who gives a shit? he can skip just one day, right?

"goodnight, goldie."



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