senpai and i

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some of u wanted to hear more so im gonna tell u all im favourite moments for the *seven months* i have liked him hehe

winter 2019 in school:

i live in australia and it gets cold here during winter lol (no shit chesca its wintEr)

and im usually immune to the cold but there *are* times when i get cold too.

and one of these times i was actually mf shaking and our lockers were located outside and we werent allowed to stay anywhere inside 💀 stupid school your kids are fucking freezing.

soooooooooooooo this happened

v walks to chesca, placing his hand in front of her.

"what?" she asks, confused as to what he wants.

"your hand."

"what the fuck, why?" she asks, unsure as to why her newfound crush was asking for her hand.

v sighs and grabs her hands himself. he usually always wears gloves during winter, so his hands are very warm.

after grabbing both of chesca's hands, he covers them with his own. doing everything he could to keep her warm.

he smiles at him.

she gets a bit flustered. i mean dude he's so great and soft and adorable, fucking gentleman.

"t-thanks," she says. 

"you're welcome."

another similar winter scenario:

"its soo fucking cold !!!" chesca complains to j.

"what the fuck, chesca? you're never cold!" says j. j was true tho, chesca was never cold. but she was wearing her winter uniform with a skirt ending in her mid thighs, her bare legs showing and her rain jacket went fucking missing. 

how could she possibly survive 6°C/42°F in that?

"your fault for losing your rain jacket, fucking dumbass," says s.

"you can't fucking talk, you just took some stranger's rain jacket that they accidentally left."

unknown to her, v and his friend group was near chesca's and he heard her conversation with her friends.

he walks over to her.

"oh, hey vincent!"

"come here," he says as they walk over into a more warm and closed space.

"what are you doing-?" she starts but gets cut off as he finishes what he was doing.

he takes her hand, intertwines it with hers and shoves it inside the pocket of his jacket.


"yes. thank you very much~"

they stay like this for the remainder of the lunch time, which was around a solid twenty minutes.

they talked and talked and got to know each other even more.

and so the bell rings. they were in two different classes. so they only ever see each other during lunch time, recess or during an elective.

"the bell just rang," says chesca.

"i know."

"aren't we gonna go?"

"kinda wanna stay a little longer." he looks at her. "it's nice here with you."

and sooooo that's what we did. until s saw us and says "chesca!! what are you doing? our french teacher is gonna be mad !!!"

pfft my french teacher loves me she wont get mad at me huehue.

there was this other time we had a free dress day in winter too and i fucking chose to wear *cute* thin clothing 💀

and he gave me his jacket because he said he didnt want me to be cold uwu

oh and !!!

he used to give me hugs *everyday* before he goes home,, they were soOoO greAt

and his friends were like "vincent lets go !!!"

and i was like (still hugging)  "your friends are waiting for uuuu"

then he was like "i could stay here forever"


and then lets go ):

and says "i mean, what?" AS HE CHUCKLES AND WINKS DJDJJDJD

spring 2019:

last day of school and i forgot to clear out my locker 🗿

and v finds me and sees all the shit i needa bring home despite throwing literally half of my locker out.

"that's a lot of shit," he says as he starts picking up chesca's books and other things.

"i knooow-!" chesca stops speaking after seeing v carrying her shit. "put those down. i'll be okay carrying them myself!"

"are you sure?"


"too bad. i'm carrying them already," he says as he watches her carry the rest of her shit and close her locker.

"you know you don't have to."

"but i want to so let's go drop you off to your mum's car before she gets annoyed at you for taking too long."


oh another thing !!!!

sometimes when we see each other or when he passes me in my locker he pAts my head 🥰😚🥺😌😭😩

brO i got hella feelings for u

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