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it was another monday and usually, bakugou would be one of the early birds.

but today seemed to be different.

he only came in five minutes before the first bell. and when people saw this, they knew something was up. bakugou wouldn't just randomly sleep in.

goldie: dont be late to school katsuki-chan~!
goldie: take care (●'ω`●)!

bakugou slams his hands on kirishima's desk, where kaminari was also seated. it was fucking scary.

you know what else is sCarY? the fact that this story is ending in just a few chapters so y'all better sAvOuR this shit 😌.

"b-bakugou? whats u-up, bro..?" kirishima stutters.






"dude, kiri and i aren't psychiatrists! we can't read minds or know what you mean by 'i's!"

"you fucking stupid shit, that's because psychiatrists can't fucking read minds."

"then... psychologists!" kaminari exclaims.

"could you be talking about psychics by any chance?" kirishima asks. "anyway, bakugou. you...?"

"kaminari, look. it's jirou," bakugou says trying to make kaminari go. he really didn't want kaminari hearing what he's about to say.

"i..." he starts. "i think i fucking like [last name]."

"aBOUT TIME YOU FIGURED IT OUT, BRO," kirishima shouts.

"shut the fuck up, kiri!"

"so why do you look so upset about it?"

katsuki sits down. this is the part he didn't want kami to hear.

"i don't think she likes me back.."

could you believe it? egoistic asshole, bakugou katsuki afraid that his babygirl doesn't like him back.

"dude, believe me. she's head over heels for you, she flirts with you all the time!" kirishima tries reassuring bakugou. he isn't entirely sure if it was working though.

"yea but," starts bakugou. "she... she flirts a lot with kaminari, too!"

"ohoho, bakugou? insecure? over kaminari?"

"shut the fuck up already!"

"don't worry, man. shoot your shot. you'll score a three-pointer. it's guaranteed. you're all she ever talks about!"

"bullshit!" bakugou feels a little better yet not. it's not that he doesn't trust kirishima, it's just that this is the first time he's been vulnerable to feelings like these.

"lying is unmanly! beside, if it's bullshit then how would i know that you two bumped into each other yesterday, spent hours together and you finally called her by her name for the first time yesterday?"

bakugou stares at Kirishima. maybe he was telling the truth.

"wait," bakugou says. A sense of panic runs through him. "fuck. do you know about everything from yesterday?!"

"nah. i really wanted to but she said something like," kirishima clears his voice and tries to put up his [your name] voice impressions. "noooo~! the rest of the day felt really special to me. i mean like, it wasn't really much but it was from him and with him so it was! and he was just being so cute and adorable and—,"

"yeah, yeah. i get it. shut the fuck up man. she don't sound like that."




"shut it."

"fuck you need?"
"i just wanted to, um..."
"actually, now that i think about it, i had absolutely no reason to call you."
"you really can just admit that you just wanted to fucking hear my voice.
"but you'd make fun of me~!"
"but i like making fun of you. it's fucking cute."

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