continue this book?

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first of all i'd like to apologise for the trash ending i gave you all. i had plans for this book but after some time, despite being very motivated to write, i just couldn't.

life hit me up w some bad shit bro 😔

i mean mentally and physically lol i got so frustrated because i was really unhealthy and sick and everyday i was physically hurting, it made me cry. my mum wouldn't take me to the doctors and thinks i am faking being sick. because of that i just kinda wanted to cut everything short.

but i've been feeling better since then so i'm thinking about continuing this book! what do you guys think?

or if not then i could always publish this other kacchan x reader that im writing 👉👈

or maybe what if i do both? 🤔🤔

idk lol

thats all bye bye

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