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"fuck you need?"
"hm, not much. just your love~!"
"you can't fucking ask for something you already have," he mumbles. It was impossible to have heard it.

"bakugou-chan, you said something?"
"no. i have to go, i'll fucking talk to you later."
"okay. take care, baby~!"

they drop the phone call as [your name ] stops in front of a very large pair of clear, automatic doors.

she goes inside. her ears taking in the amount of noise people made, either from frustration or fun. bright colours fill in her field of view. but as her [eye color] hues make their way to a certain machine at the very end of the room, everything else seems to be a blur.

she takes her arcade card, ready to tap her card and begin playing the game. she was one tap away from happiness.

she taps the card.

"fucking dumbass. why the fuck are you interfering with my game? think you're fucking worthy to take me on, fuckhead?"

"what are you talking about? i tapped my card first!"

"the fuck—," he pauses and takes a look at his challenger. he smirks. "oh? babygirl? came to challenge daddy to a dance-off?"

bakugou steps in a little closer, causing her to stumble a little bit. she grabs on to the ddr machine's handles.

she smirks back, she isn't gonna lose this fight. she grabs the collar of his black collared shirt and pulls him a little closer.

"so what if i was, daddy~?"

he chuckles. he takes a good look at her body. he notices that she's wearing the shirt they fought over a few weeks ago.

"that shirt," he mentions.

"oh? it's the shirt you let me steal from you~! you like it?"

"i told you you'd look extremely fucking hot in it."

"i've no idea if you guys know this but this is a public arcade," some side character says. "if you guys are gonna flirt, flirt anywhere but in the ddr machine. i wanna play, too! so y'all playin' or nah?"

"fuck off." bakugou glares at him. once the stranger left he turned to [your name] with an unfamiliar smile and says, "let's play!"

he looked so happy, it was a cute sight to see.


"fuck you need, fuckhead?"

"you're adorable."

he looks at her for a second before he reached in his back pocket and pulls something out.

she looks at him and the card that he pulled out of his pocket. she's confused.

he flips the pocket and shows her.

it was a personalised uno reverse card

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it was a personalised uno reverse card.
coloured with pink and covered in small emoji hearts.

[your name] stands still and is stunned. this was a part of his master plan.

the main goal was to flirt. leaving her stunned so that he could win himself a few more beats was just a bonus :D.

"hurry up, babygirl. if you don't fucking start dancing then you're gonna fucking lose," he says. "fuckhead."

"you're cheating!" she says as she tries catching up with him.

"no, i'm not. you just suck."

they continued playing for a while. bakugou kept finishing each dance with flying colours while [your name] would always be just a little bit behind him.

they also played other games. they spent four hours inside the arcade, they didn't just spend the entire time dancing.

it's been confirmed that [your name] is better at shooting games than bakugou. it's quite embarrassing for him to admit defeat in that area. in fact, his defeat caused him to throw a mini-tantrum which led them to get kicked out of the arcade.

"it's okay, bakugou-chan. just because i'm better at one thing, doesn't mean you're any less great! you're still number one, you know?"


it's the cute, sweet shit she says that makes my fucking insides go uMpH, he thinks.

"fucking right. of course, i fucking know! i'm number one!!" he says with such a bright grin that matches his confidence.

since they did just get kicked out of the arcade, they sat down in the playground near the arcade.

"hey, bakugou-chan?"


"today was fun, thank you~!"

"tch. i didn't fucking do anything."

"but you did!"

he looks at her in awe. he'd never really had a chance to take in her features before. right now was a nice chance to do so. he looks at her [eye colour] eyes and makes intense eye contact as he speaks,



"you can, um," he starts, not knowing how to coninue the rest of his sentence. "you can call me katsuki or some shit, if y-you want."

"okay, katsuki or some shit!"

"forget I fucking said anythi—,"

"then," she smiles. "you can call me babygirl, katsuki-chan~!"

"don't fucking get ahead of yourself." he smirks. "that's reserved for when we're dating, [last name] [your name]."

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