that fatherly type of love - tamara + tim

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Tamara Colins+ Tim Bradford

That Fatherly Type of Love

Tim Bradford knew something about Tamara Colins seemed weird. She looked a lot like his mom did as a teenager. Though apparently he couldn't connect the dots until he got a phone call from an old friend in the forensic unit that he matched 99% to a thief.

He couldn't believe it. He was a father. Holy crap. He grabbed his stuff and ran to his car before starting it and speeding to the LAPD precinct.

He had to tell Lucy and of course Tamara. He speed walked into the station and went on a search to find Lucy.

"Hey lover boy you looking for Lucy?" He turned around to find the faces of Nyla Harper and Angela Lopez staring at him. The detectives were silently laughing at him and the weird expression on his face.

"Uh yeah. You know where she is?"

"She'll be out in a minute. She's in the locker rooms." Nyla replied and smiled at him before pulling Angela with her. Tim sighed and went to change before looking again for his girlfriend.

When he got out he saw his girlfriend talking to Aaron. She looked up and smiled at her boyfriend. Aaron saw him and waved before leaving.

"Hey you!" She said as she walked up to him.

"Hey! I have something to tell you."

"What's up?"

"Tamara is my daughter." He spit it out and regretted it immediately when he saw Lucy's face.

"It was my old girlfriend from highschool. I had no idea."

"Wow. So your her dad? How'd you find out?" Honestly Lucy didn't care. She was glad Tamara had some family left, and someone who she was considerable close to. She was happy about this.

"Uhh forensics. Got a friend there. And he told me."

"That's awesome!" Tim looked at her in surprise.


"Yeah! I mean Tamara has family and it's you!" He looked her and smiled. 

"I'm glad your okay with this."

"Of course. Now are you gonna tell Tamara?"

"Yeah. I was thinking I could come over tonight and talk to her?"

"Of course!!" Lucy was ecstatic. She was about to start jumping up and down.

"Then I'll see you tonight." She nods vigorously and smiles widely with her bright teeth. He smiles at her and pecked her lips softly before turning and getting back to work.

He arrived at Lucy's apartment and unlocked the door with his key Lucy had given him. He walked in and yelled at Lucy to tell her that he's there. She stuck her head out of her room and smiled at him. 

"Hey, Tamaras in her room if you want to talk to her." He thanks her and knocked on her door.

Tamara stuck her head out and looked at Tim with a confused face.

"Hey Tim...? Uh did you need Lucy?"

"No actually I want to talk to you." He smiled at her the best he could.

"If your planning to propose I don't care. It's not like she's my mom." She chuckled at her own joke then stopped when she looked at Tim's stone face.

"A friend of mine found something on your parents, when you asked Lucy to find something." Tamara nodded and stared at Tim.

"Tamara, why don't you sit down?" Her face changes to a look of confusion and then sadness.

"If your gonna tell me that my parents are dead just get out with it."

"That's not what I was gonna lead with but, you're moms dead. Your dad is me." She lookedq up so fast to see Tim.

"Are you saying that your my-"

"Dad. Yes. 17 years ago I had a girlfriend in the army. She was off and on. Died on the job. I had no idea that she even had a baby."

"That doesn't matter. Your here now." She jumped up and hugged Tim.

"Wait does that mean I still live with Lucy?"

"If you want." He looked at his daughter and thought of how much he missed, he couldn't think of the past, no cause his entire future was in this apartment. His daughter and his girlfriend.

"Okay now that I have a father and all that. We have bigger things to tend to." He looks at her and moves his head to the side, raising his eyebrows he responds.

"What would that be?"

"When are you proposing?" If Tim had a drink he would have spit it out, but he didn't. He stared at her.

"We are not talking about this with Lucy just outside the door." Tamara sighs.

"Nosy neighbor." Lucy opens the door.

"Well you could always leave if you don't me being the nosy neighbor." Lucy looked at the both of them, her posture reminded him of his moms whenever they got in trouble.

"Lucy I didn't mean that." Tamara said and turned to Tim.

"It's his fault." She said and got up and walked out of the room.

"Now Luce. You know that I did nothing."

"Like father, like daughter." She said and groaned when Tim picked her up and kissed her.

"Ew your digusting. Please don't make kids in my room." Tamara's voice came from behind them. Her face looked disgusted, but she was really happy. She had a great family.

Lucy's face contorted into a mischief look. She smirked at Tamara who ran into the living room and grabbed something from the dresser. Two lightsabers. And they started battling Tim, who had a lamp.

That was family.

Not all of it had to be blood.

Y'all better be happy. This toooookkk so longgg!!! But I'm glad it's out.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04 ⏰

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