Chapter 1: The Fated Day

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A Sandstorm raged throughout the piles and mountains of sand.

The gust of winds of the sandstorm caused those sandy mounds to slowly disperse into sand particles and those particles were blown into other sand piles which were being blown as well.

As the sand blew away across the sandy land, a golden arrow was slightly unburied from the sand before being covered up once again by more sand.

—[ S.B.L ]—

A young boy with snowy white, wearing blue pajamas and a blanket over his body was out in a garden in the middle of the night. His icy blue eyes stared at the starry night sky with anticipation in his eyes.

"Whitley, are you sure you don't want to watch inside the manor? It's cold out here during the night." A voice of an older man spoke.

Whitley turned around as the little boy saw a fair-skinned man with white slicked-back hair, a white thick mustache, and cold blue eyes. This man also wore a white suit with its buttons open. This man was Jacques Schnee.

"I want to watch from out here, papa!" Whitley said with a childlike look.

"...Alright, but as soon it's over we're going back inside." Jacques sighed as he stood next to his son. His arms were on his sides as his eyes looked up.

Jacques felt a tug on his leg as he looked down. He saw Whitley, sitting down on the grass while looking at him.

"Fine..." Jacques shook his head as he sat down on the grass with Whitley. Whitley would then sit on his father's lap as they both stared into the night sky.

Not long, stars fell across the night sky. Temporarily lighting up the darkness of the sky with streaks of light.

Young little Whitley watched this scene in awe. His eyes reflected the stars in the night sky.

—[ S.B.L ]—

Years later, icy blue eyes stared with cold dullness in them. Lips were in the form of a fake smile that was quite convincing to those that aren't observant.

In a hallway of the Schnee Manor. A 15-year-old Whitley Schnee stood in front of his older sister, Weiss Schnee.

"Dear sister, are you sure about this?"
Weiss walked passed him without stopping.

"...." Weiss didn't respond with any words, instead she gave him an annoyed glare before looking ahead and continuing on her way.

Whitley watched as she walked passed him and towards two large doors ahead. His eyebrows furrowed in annoyance before he sighed.

He walked right behind her towards the room.

—[ S.B.L ]—

The entire room was one giant training room. Swords, shields, maces, and other melee weapons were on display on the walls.

The were two floors to the room, one for fighting or sparring, the other higher from the first which was used as a giant viewing platform for anyone who wanted to watch in safety of any fight happening.

Whitley stood next his father who was looking at Weiss with a cold stern look. She looked at Jacques and gave him a defiant look in her eyes.

Whitley's eyes then landed on the other figure, she looked like an older Weiss but she had her hair in a bun and wore more military like clothing.

Whitley turned his eyes away from Winter Schnee, the oldest Schnee sibling. Hjs eyes then went towards the Schnee bulter who was down in the training ground.

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