Chapter 6: Stand users

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"Diary Entry Log, number 114."

Whitley sat on a chair as he looked into the camera of his Scroll which was currently recording his actions and words on a desk.

"Yesterday, I went through some bizarre events....I was attacked, but not by any assassin or terrorist like the White Fang like I have been in my life....this time, I was attacked by a spider, a spider with a weird ability that only I can see but others seemingly can't."

Whitley looked at his desk which had a custom computer and a bunch of books stacked in a corner of the desk. There was also a cup of tea on well as a black case which was open and had a golden arrow contained in it.

"...I also have a similar ability to the least....I think so?" Whitley looked to his right as he saw「Starfall」appearing as he mentally summoned it.

"I don't know if the Scroll can even see it...but if can't, then my ability,「Starfall」,as I call looks like a humanoid being with a face that looks scarily like also feels like it's part of a huntsmen's aura and semblance...."

「Starfall」floated in mid-air and staring blanklessly ahead. The icy blue skinned humanoid ability then moved as it grabbed the golden arrow from its broken shaft.

"This arrow is the reason that spider and I have abilities like these." Whitley had「Starfall」hand over the golden arrow in his hand as he observed it in facination. He also had his ability hold the cup of tea near his mouth so he could drink it.


The cup of tea was placed back on the desk by「Starfall」as Whitley then looked at the camera of his Scroll with the arrow in his hand.

"This arrow came from the continent of Sanus....I don't know if there are anymore of these things or if this arrow is the only one in existence in Remnant....I don't even know what this thing's purpose is if someone long ago made it."

Whitley then turned on his computer as he had「Starfall」type in something as a bunch of websites appeared.

"I'm thinking of getting this thing to a someone who knows about ancient antiques or artifacts....if they even know what this thing is?"

He then carefully placed back the arrow back in its case and closed it. He then turned back to his Scroll.

"Part of my mind says I should just lock this arrow up deep in the Manor so nothing can gain abilities and cause an incident like Itsy Bitsy did..."

"But the other curious part of me. It wants to know what and why this arrow exist....this will probably put me in danger...but I feel like I need to's like my soul is drawn to this arrow." His eyes gazed at the arrow as he said the last part. He then looked back to his Scroll.

"That's all for this log entry." Whitley said as he stopped his Scroll's recording. His eyes then looked at his computer, seeing all the various websites which had an address and location as well as a Scroll number.


Taking another sip of tea, Whitley then turned off his computer. His mind had memorize the places he needed to go to so he could get more info on the arrow he has.

But first, he's going to need his father's permission in order to go anywhere.

"Good grief....that's going to take a lot of convincing, especially after the fact a guard died in the Manor and I got injured by the 'unknown' attacker."

Whitley would sigh at this thought.

*Knock!* *Knock!*

Whitley looked at his door as he heard someone knock from the other side.「Starfall」stood in front of Whitley defensively.

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