Chapter 8: Peekaboo

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"There are Stand Users in this school. How many? I cannot remember nor could I truly know. The only thing I do know, is an enemy Stand has the ability manipulate the memories and perspectives of everything about them and others."

Whitley walked in silence. His bag over his shoulders as he walked toward the way out of the front entrance of the school.

"They want me out of this school as I believe they saw me as a threat to them."

Whitley saw student of the school give him glances and looks, many whispered about him between them. He ignored them, he ignored the whispers, the insults, the glares. His eyes focused on finding something else in that crowd.

"The Stand user wants me out. They have to be watching me from somewhere to make sure I do leave the school. Wether they are in the crowd or watching from a distance away from me."

Whitley walked. His eyes stared around. His eyes lingering on a crowd staring at him, before moving away from them.

The Schnee walked in silence as he left for the exit.

"...The Schnee is heading towards the exit." The voice of Devo Velocity spoke yet he was unseen and unheard in the crowd of students.

"HehehhahaHAHAHA!!! It's working! The Schnee is leaving." Nomak Schrodinger cackled yet remained unseen and unheard amongst the school.

"Haa~ It's a shame. Schnee would've been a great tool to use if we could get him under our control." Pink Natori spoke but no one saw or heard him like his fellow Stand users.

The three Stand users stood still infront of a crowd of students, yet those students did not hear nor see them despite them being right infront of them.

"...Hey, do you think Schnee will just leave like this?" Nomak asked Pink for his thoughts.

"Hmm...the Schnee family is a stubborn bunch. Jacques Schnee was a commoner in the past before he rose through the company and eventually married into the family." His gaze stared at where the Schnee went.

"It wouldn't surprise me if the Schnee comes back."

Nomak looked at him with nervousness at hearing that thought. Pink then looked at Devo who noticed his gaze at him.

"If the Schnee comes back. You will deal with him with your Stand. Kill him if he truly becomes a problem to us." Pink ordered Devo who flinched at the order.

"K-kill...? Bu-"

Pink's face was now face to face with Devo's. Both of their faces where only inches away from each other. The atmosphere between was tense. The air between them changing as a pink gas filled between them.

"You will kill the Schnee when he becomes a problem for us....or are you thinking of betraying us. Betraying me?"

Devo's eyes widened as he heard that. He then immediately kneeled towards Pink.

"NO!!! I could never betray you! I will kill the Schnee! Strip his skin from his bones! I will feast on his flesh if I must! I will defile his dead body if you so ask!"

Devo maniacally said in fear as he begged under Pink's gaze.

"Good." Pink smirked at the devotion to his words and orders. "Then, go follow the Schnee. Make sure he's truly never coming back."

"Yes! Master!" Devo yelled out as his eyes were filled with extreme devotion and determination in them at following the order given to him.


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