Chapter 2: Unaware

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Whitley stood beside a crate as he watched as the auctioned items he bid on were loaded into a truck. His eyes then glanced towards his father who was talking with the auction host.

Whitley's eyes then switched to look beside him. A table with the bizzare looking arrowhead sitting in its black coloured case which was opened.

Whitley's right hand moved to grab it. His fingers wrapped around its broken shaft as he brought the arrowhead close to his face.

His eyes observed it, the weird compass that was frozen still, the red patterns that contrast with the gold colour of the arrow.

"Who would put a compass on an arrow? Why did they put a compass on an arrow?" Whitley thought outloud.

Shrugging he'll never find out of the why a compass was built into an arrowhead, he placed it back in its case as his hand was about to retract away from the arrow.

But before he could—


—the arrowhead had moved as it stabbed right through Whitley's right hand. The arrowhead head had impaled itself through the palm and exited through the back of the hand.

Whitley's eyes widened in horror as his body's pain receptors triggered and sent pain signals from the hand to the brain.

"AAAAAAAHHHH!?!?!" Whitley screamed as he flicked his hand as the arrowhead fell back perfectly into its case.

Both Jacques and the auction host turned their heads to look at Whitley who they both heard scream out of nowhere. As their eyes saw Whitley, they saw the young Schnee fall to the ground.

"Whitley!?" Jacques's eyes widened as he quickly rushed over to his son who was thrashing around the ground in pain.

His eyes filled with panic and worry, as he knelt down Whitley.

"Whitley! What's the matter?!" Jacques observed his son's condition. He had noticed Whitley clutching his right hand.

Whitley's eyes gazed towards his father. Tears and pained eyes evident in his expression.

"T-that arrow! It s-stabbed right through my hand!" Whitley said, his voice stuttering.

"Let me see your hand." Jacques said calmly as he grabbed Whitley's right hand which was clutched by his son's left hand.

"....Whitley. I don't see a stab wound?" Jacques voice sounded confused which also showed the same expression on his face.

"Huh...?" Whitley looked at his father with confusion as well as he didn't know what he was talking about. "What do mean? My"

Whitley now stared at his right hand, which was now devoid of any trace of any stab wound made by the bizzare arrow. Whitley observed his hand from the palm and the back just to make sure his eyes aren't tricking him.

"W-what...? But...I saw that arrow....? What?" Pure sheer confusion hit the young Schnee, as his eyes were not playing tricks on him.

"Arrow...?" Jacques said as he stood up and then looked at the weird arrowhead in its case.

Picking up the arrow from its broken shaft, Jacques observed it. His eyes scanned its head, specifically for anything coloured red.

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