Chapter 7: False Words

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" you mind if I ask you a weird question?"

Whitley looked at his father, Jacques Schnee, who was currently dealing with the paperwork in his personal office in the Manor.

Jacques Schnee looked at Whitley. His face showed tired eyes and bags but stayed awake through sheer will...and maybe greed? His body was slightly visibly slumped from stress but continued to work regardless.

His father was tired, Whitley could tell.

"What is it? Make it quick." Jacques said while focusing on his paperwork.

"By any've seen...a ghostly figure for example? A hand shadowing yours? Or maybe something only can see?"

"No, and go to school." Jacques responded without batting an eye towards Whitley.

Whitley stared at his father, not really upset he told him to leave. His eyes stared at the hand his father was pricked by the arrow at the auction a few days ago.

"I guess the arrow isn't a guarantee for granting a person a Stand?" Whitley thought as he stood and stared at his father who was working.

"Why are you still here? Go." His father sternly ordered as Whitley nodded and left with a thought.

"I could've tried to see if he could see my Stand to confirm he was a Stand user." Whitley then shrugged at this thought. "Well, I can do it after school."


Whitley walked out of his limousine as he now stood in front of the school gate. His eyes seeing fellow student of the school walking around or chatting in front of the entrance and simply minding their own business.

Whitley walked. His eyes glancing around, expecting the same routine to happen.

"The followers approach. They say their greetings. Bring me to converse with them. Classes. More conversing brought by my followers. And then I take my leave to my home." Whitley thought as he recalled the usual things that happens during school days.



Whitley stopped his walking as his body tense at feeling stares.

His eyes gazed around him.

"....Why are they all looking at me like that?" Whitley thought confused as he saw the students of the school stare or glare at him with eyes filled with malice, hate, anger, disgust.

*Step!* *Step!* *Step!*

Sounds of rapid footsteps entered the Schnee's ears. With each step, the sounds of footsteps got louder and closer to him.

Looking ahead, he saw someone, a male student who was running towards his direction. Whitley noticed the furious expression on the male student's face.

"Wha-" Whitley opened his mouth to ask about why this fellow student was looking at him with such expression.


But was immediately cut off by said fellow student punching him the face which caused him to lose his footing a fall to the cold hard ground.

"Bastard! You have a lot of nerve doing the shit you did to her!" The male student yelled at Whitley in furious rage.

Whitley still in shock and disoriented from being punch in the face out of nowhere, looked at the male student in confusion and also anger at what he did to him for no reason.

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