Chapter 4: Stand Up!

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Whitley didn't know what was happening anymore. The very situation he was in was so unnatural and bizarre that it was unheard of even amongst huntsmen.

Being attacked by thousands of green spiders that his hands can't seem to touch in his very home.

Him floating mid-air along with several of the green spiders despite having no aura.

An arm covered by a glove that looked like the very cosmos was used to make the glove, that very arm hovering quite close near his right arm where he got stabbed by the weird arrow.

Facing down a smaller tarantula colored black on the ceiling with green spiders surrounding it defensively.

"....What's even going on anymore?" Whitley thought as he had no words to describe the very situation he was in.

-[ S.B.L ]-

The arachnid stared down at the human, the human that had defended himself from the power it had that all lifeforms other than it couldn't see.

This human did. And it had the same power as itself.


The spider hissed at the human, finding him a threat as no other being it had encountered reacted nor could defend themselves against its power.

Moreover, the human seemed unaware of the power he held. It had to kill the human now before the human learned how to use the power.

It summoned its army of its brethren. Commanded the army of spiders that followed every order it would give.

"Kill that human!" That would be the words spoken out in human language if the spider could remotely speak human.

-[ S.B.L ]-

"-!?" Whitley looked around in anxiousness as he saw several more of the green spiders appearing out of more hiding places from the stored items.

"There were more of them!? Is this entire room infested with these spiders!?" Whitley exclaimed as he turned to look at the exit of the room.

"I need to get out of here!" Whitley moved his legs to run, but had quickly realized he was still floating, and his feet couldn't touch the ground to run.

"Crap!" Whitley cursed as he looked at the spiders on the ground beneath him.


The green spiders shot their webs at him again. The webs attached themselves on his body as Whitley felt them yanking his floating body towards the ground where they were.

"Get off me!" Whitley once again tried to yank the yellow webs off his body, but only to have his hands phase right through them.


His eyes looked towards a group of spiders as they jumped on his arm as they immediately sinked their fangs through the limb.

"ARGH!?" Whitley winced as he felt the green spiders fangs in his left arm.

But as quickly he was bitten, a left arm that seemed to be made out of the fabric of space appeared out of his left arm and quickly swatted away the spiders off him.

Whitley stared at the two arms that were hovering above his and were covered by gloves that were made of the fabric of space.

Those two arms them faded into him as he then felt Remnant's natural gravity take him.


"Ah!?" Whitley yelped at the sudden shift in gravity. His mind then quickly realized his situation as his eyes glanced at the green spiders and then at the exit.

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