Chapter 9:「Vision Of Love」

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「Starfall」walked throughout the halls of the school while carefully avoiding everyone's line of sight.

"The Stand users could be anyone. If I'm spotted, then finding them would be impossible...and my life could potentially be over if their Stand could manipulate the world into labeling me as a criminal." Whitley thought with a grimace while using「Starfall」to find the Stand users.

「Starfall」hid behind corners, hid on the ceiling, and stayed inside walls and floors to avoid being seen.

No matter how improbable it was, even if the chances of running into the Stand users were one in a million, he must stay hidden and unseen, he wasn't going to take any chances with this.

Eventually, he reached where he wanted to be while completely unseen.

The principal's office.

Phasing through the door, he carefully looked around the room as he saw the principal sitting on his desk, currently, doing nothing as he seemed to not have any work to do at the moment as so he was watching a show on his hologram desk computer.

Whitley, through「Starfall」's eyes, stared warily at him. Then, he immediately charged at the principal, swinging a fist towards their face.

Then stopping an inch away from contact.

"....So your not a Stand user...good. That's a relief." The Stand of Whitley Schnee let out a sigh of relief.

"...." The Stand stared at the non Stand user a for a bit, thinking, then frowning as his eyes gained a terrible realization on what he has to do now.

"I know you can't hear me...but I'm very sorry on what I have to do now..." Whitley said full of regret, his Stand gaining the expression of his tone.

「Starfall」's fingers tapped the unaware principal's throat. As then immediately, the principal's eyes widened, his hands holding his throat, trying to gasp for air but there was a gravitational force pushing and keeping air out.

「Starfall」looked at him with guilt, regret and horror for what he's doing. Thr Stand put a hand on his mouth and tried looking away, but couldn't as he needed to make sure he didn't suffocate the terrified principal who didn't know what was going on.

"I'm sorry! I need to use your desk computer. I can't use it when you leave as then you would turn it off when I don't know the password for it! So...Please....Just....pass out..."

The Stand looked at his with pain and regret....then, the principal went unconscious from the lack of air.

The unconscious man was then carried over to lay on a sofa as Whitley made sure he was breathing but still unconscious.

"Sorry..." With one last pained look, the Stand then went over to the hologram desk computer.

「Starfall」then looked through the student files, his black eyes with shining blue iris, stared at the student pictures until he found a recognizable face.

"....There you are." He saw the Stand user who wielded「Peekaboo」. The student file had displayed the name and many more.

He ignored the name and a lot of other information on the file. He only focused on one thing, the classroom this Stand user was in.

Then, he put up the security footage, rewinding it, then played it while only staring at a specific camera footage. One that showed「Peekaboo」's Stand user leaving his classroom.

"Now, show me who are the remaining Stand users."「Starfall」grinned as he played the footage at a faster speed as he could process it with his inhuman reactions.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2023 ⏰

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