Chapter 5: Arachnophobia

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"Well, whatever this power is called. I'm definitely going to be using it to the fullest against you."


The green spiders hissed at him. It was clear they somewhat understood what he said, at least enough to know he was going to kill it.



There was a tence silence. The spiders stopped hissing as they all stared at him. 「Starfall」got infront of him with its fist clenched.

Both Whitley and the spiders stared at each other in tence silence. Both of them, waiting and watching the other for who would make the first move.




Galaxy gloved fist met green spiders. Both「Starfall」and the spiders moved at the same time. The spiders jumped. 「Starfall」punched.

"Sha! Sha! Sha! Sha! Sha!" Whitley's ability cried out as it punched the spiders that were attempting pounce on him.

The ability did well in keeping the spiders at bay, but the green arachnids managed to get on the ability's body.

*Bite!* *Bite* *Bite*

"A-ah!?" Whitley yelped in pain and surprise as he looked at his body to see wounds from the spiders appear on him as they sink their fangs in「Starfall」.

"I'm hurt!? But「Starfall」is the one getting bitten! Does whatever that hurts「Starfall」would appear on me!?" Whitley quickly thought as he saw more spiders jump on「Starfall」.


"「Starfall」! Get those thing off you and return to me!" Whitley commanded as his Stand started slapping the spiders off its body as it then floated back to Whitley defensively.





"Sha! Sha! Sha! Sha! Sha! Sha! Sha! Sha! Sha! Sha! Sha! Sha! Sha! Sha! Sha!"

「Starfall」fought defensively as it constantly slapped away the spiders that jumped at it or tried to jump at Whitley.

"I'm surrounded. There's to many of them to fight in this position.「Starfall」isn't fast enough to punch away everything these spiders throw at me. I'm going to get overwhelmed at some point." Whitley had quickly analyzed the situation.

His eyes scanned around the room as he thought. "I need to figure a way out!"

"Sha! Sha! Sha! Sha! Sha! Sha! Sha! Sha! Sha! Sha! Sha! Sha! Sha!—


—Sha! Sha! Sha! Sha! Sha! Sha! Sha! Sha! Sha! Sha! Sha! Sha! Sha! Sha! Sha! Sha! Sha! Sha! Sha!—


—Sha! Sha! Sha! Sha! Sha! Sha! Sha! Sha! Sha! Sha! Sha!"

「Starfall」continued to wildly punch or knock away the spiders but the spiders still managed to get bites in on the arms. Whitley watched his situation as he noticed that the spiders were floating.

"Floating? I was floating before." He turned his head to look up the ceiling which was currently clear of any green arachnids.

"「Starfall」!" Whitley yelled out the name of his ability as he jumped while looking towards the ceiling above him.

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