This is Why We Don't Entrust Plans to Muppet Babies

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Salvatore Boarding School

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Salvatore Boarding School

Alaric, Aaron, Lizzie and Josie were all in Alaric's office, figuring out a way to get rid of the hourglass full of black magic. Lizzie was currently holding the hourglass as Aaron stared at the darkness moving inside its glass containment. There was a visible large crack at the top of the glass. The four knew that the protection spell was starting to break down and the black magic was destroying the hourglass slowly. Aaron's eyes glowed their purple hue and the inside of the hourglass became frozen, covered in ice. Alaric watched cautiously, not wanting anything to go wrong. Josie then siphoned a little from Aaron and unfroze the magic inside, causing another crack to form at the bottom of the hourglass.

"Okay, that's enough. We're trying to stop it from exploding, not speed up the process." Alaric told the three Geminis. Lizzie placed the hourglass onto the desk. Alaric sighed as he looked at the three teens. "We have tried 12 different spells. This is not a problem that magic can fix." Alaric said. "Well, it's better than your solution of covering it in concrete and dropping it in the ocean." Lizzie said. "Or locking it inside a chest and burying it on a remote island." Aaron added on. "Maybe I deserve the black magic to just boomerang back to me." Josie said, defeated. "Just cut yourself some slack, okay? You made a mistake." Alaric told his daughter.

"Wait. What if we try Dad's idea, but better? Instead of dropping the discount lava lamp in the ocean, we drop it in a place where magic can't escape." Lizzie suggested. Aaron caught on to what he was saying. "The prison world." Aaron said. Lizzie nodded. "Absolutely not." Alaric said immediately. "No, this is perfect." Lizzie said. "There's a celestial event tonight. A meteor shower and that is what we need to make the ascendant work, right?" Aaron said, standing next to Lizzie. "Yeah, that and Bennett blood." Josie added on. "No, I said no! I will figure this out. Okay? Don't do anything while I'm gone." Alaric told the three teens before leaving the room.

"It's bad enough that Sebastian ghosted me, but now Dad's acting like an annoying control freak." Lizzie said. "When hasn't your dad been an annoying control freak?" Aaron asked. Lizzie shrugged in agreement. "He's not gonna let us anywhere near that prison world with our psychotic Uncle Kai." Josie said. "Then what if we send it to a different one? Make a new ascendant and a new prison world with no homicidal uncles." Lizzie suggested. "It's gonna take a lot of magic." Aaron said. "We did it when we were five." Lizzie said, gesturing between herself and Josie. "With Aunt Bonnie. I mean, we can't do this alone." Josie said. "Then I'll find someone. How hard could it be?" Lizzie said before leaving.

Aaron sat down at the desk in Alaric's seat and span around on the chair. "Yes. How hard could it be to create a whole new prison world from scratch with the three of us?" Aaron asked sarcastically, shrugging. He stopped spinning and placed his feet on the desk, slouching in the chair. Josie sighed and sat down opposite Aaron. "You had the right idea of backing out before anything bad could happen." Josie said. "I only did it because I was ok with how my magic was now. I didn't know that Clarke was disguised as Vardemus and would trick you into using black magic. I'm not clairvoyant." Aaron said. "True." Josie said. "But wouldn't it be cool if I was clairvoyant." Aaron said.

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