End of Past Memories, Back in The Present

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I got up and walked away into our home, not wanting to talk to anyone, still grieving over our mother, I had the feeling that she would've wanted me to clean up this mess the demon made of her, so I grabbed a mop and a bucket and started cleaning the blood up

"Wow.. There's so much blood, it looks like eighteen people were masacurred in here but it was really just one person.. Our mother"

I cleaned up the blood until it was spotless, and began thinking about what to tell the town for tomorrow, I might as well tell them tonight, but I don't have a Nichirin sword to protect me, and sunrise is hours away from now, and the demon creator won't just happily help me out, if anything.. They'd try to turn me into one or kill me! But after I was done thinking, I decided to go to bed


I woke up earlier than I usually would with no one bothering me to, irritated, I woke up and went to shower, brush my teeth, and put some clothes on

Ready to go out and tell the town that Mitsuri could no longer help the town out for years, and that i'd have to be her replacement, I got up and left without saying goodbye to Mitsuri

I was in no good mood being that our mom died by that demon last night, and that I couldn't go and help Mitsuri with the demon corp situation, but I was still filled with determination to some what help

I went to Mrs. Yoshida's shop first like I usually do, and once more, everyone who needed help was there so I got on stage and  spoke like I did last night

"Hello again, and good morning, but I have some horrible new for you all, and I'm sorry to say this, but Mitsuri can no longer help the town, but we have a replacement which is me, but... She hasn't stopped helping us fully, she has went to work for the Demon slayer corp

Now you may want to ask why, and the reason why is because our mother has died by a demon last night, it has been slain, but being there is more, and she wants to protect people in general, she has went to work with the demon slayer corp to help, I wanted to go too, but I will be helping you all for six years, but there will be no replacement for either of us afterwards, but if there is, what a blessing, but if there isn't, I will help you all with what y'all need help with and teach y'all how to do it, I'm so sorry for this sudden announcement, and I will let y'all decide if I get off days or not, thank you all for listening to me, and please have a better day than I will, I will start helping you all tomorrow, goodbye.."

I had lots more to say, but I hurried home to tell Mitsuri goodbye since she was leaving today, she was probably packing up, so I wanted to help her pack even though I wanted to have her either stay, or let me go with her, but so be it, If she doesn't want me going until I turn sixteen, then I won't!


I opened the door to the house and sped to Mitsuri's room to help her, once I got to her room, I busted the door open and told her I'm helping her pack

"Oh, okay"

"You seem off, what's wrong"

"I don't wanna leave you to work alone for six whole years the day RIGHT after mom died, and I won't be "

"I don't want you to do that either, but you have to"

"I know, but can you get me that thing over there please..?"

"Ok, what'd you want me to gra-"

After that.. I started to tear up

I noticed what she wanted me to grab, something meaningful for all of us.. it was a picture, the only picture we had of all four of us.. me, Mitsuri, Momma, and Dadda.. All of us, and she wanted to bring it as a memory

Zenitsu x !Fem¡reader: A hashira's sisterWhere stories live. Discover now