What I Got and What I Got to do

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(You guys are amazing!! How did y'all get me to 80 read in one day when not even 20 minutes ago I had I had 75!?)


I heard a knock at my door, and being that it was fifteen days later, I hoped and prayed that my sword and haori was there waiting for me

I sped to the door and opened it and there was this.. MaN at the door with a hat on his head, and something on his back, with a very VERY, let's say.. UnIqUe mask on

"Hello sir, do you need anything?"

"My name is Hagenazuka. I forged Y/n Kanroji's sword. I am here to deliver it."

"Oh! Well I'm her! Come on in, if you'd like, and if you want tea, I'll start brewing some, just say the word!"

I moved out of the way and let him inside my home

He walked inside and went to the living room, kneeled down on his knee like he was proposing and began to speak

"In here is a Nichirin sword. I forged it myself. The materials kind of sword only come from the mountain closest to the sun. Made of scarlet iron, sand, and scarlet ore"

"That's so cool!"

"Unique, they produce steel that can absorb sunlight."

"Why is this getting even more fascinating than it should..?" I think I was getting a bit TOO invested in the making of this sword"

"You see.. Mt. Yoko is bathed in sunlight all day. Never a cloud in the sky. No rain means the sunlight can be absorbed without any impurities."

"Why is this so cool?!!"

The man didn't seem to listen much, but he then gave me the sword

"Come on, draw it already!!"

The handle was a mid-green as the base color, and a mid-hot pink on the extra accessories, but when I drew the sword, it had went from a normal, plain katana, to a blueish purplish katana with splats of red, yellow, and orange on it

The handle was a mid-green as the base color, and a mid-hot pink on the extra accessories, but when I drew the sword, it had went from a normal, plain katana, to a blueish purplish katana with splats of red, yellow, and orange on it

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"Oh wow.. This is gorgeous!! Why didn't you tell me your swords could do this?! I know it's called the color changing katana but I didn't know it could have designs on it!"

"I thought you knew"

"Well I didn't, but I get the feeling you're telling me all, so spill it"

"Right, every Nichirin sword has a meaning to it's owner, the base color of your sword is a mixture of purple and blue. Purple has many meanings to it, as well as the other colors, but what I've seen from you so far were nobility, ambition, creativity, wisdom, dignity, peace, pride, and independence. The color blue symbolizes calmness, responsibility, loyalty, sincerity, shyness, confidence, stability, faith, and intelligence. The color red symbolizes vigor, courage, anger, and love. The color orange symbolizes optimism and energy. And last but not least, the color yellow symbolizes happiness, hope, spontaneity, excitement, and enthusiasm. These words do seem to fit you.."

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