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"Do we really have to go? I wanna stay and spend more time with my sister" I said being a little down

"I don't wanna go back to fighting at all!" Said Zenitsu desperately wanting to stay

"I'm sorry you two, but we have to go, we got a bigger mission this time than the last, and plus, we'll be going with a hashira this time!" Tanjiro explained

"I'M READY TO FIGHT!!" Inosuke yelled

"That's good to know Inosuke, at least one of us is ready"

"Tanjiro, it's not that I'm not ready to fight, it's that I haven't seen my sister in SIX YEARS, and I've only been here for a few weeks, I wanna spend more time with her!"

"Well since we're still here and we aren't leaving until an hour from now, you can go and spend some time with her before we leave, I'll keep Inosuke and Zenitsu with me here for the meantime, but when it's time to go, I'll get Inosuke to come and get you"

"Yayyy! Thank you Tanjiro! I'll be back in an hour with Inosuke!!"

"No problem Y/n!!"

I ran off to find Mitsuri, but unfortunately, it took a while to find her, I had thought she was outside somewhere, but it turned out she was in her room, so I went straight there, which was also a struggle to do cause in my eyes, inside was a total mansion

Soon, I found her door, with of course the help of her lover Obanai, and knocked on her door ready to speak to her and do stuff

"Hey sis, it's me, can I come in?"

"Huh..? Yea sure, doors unlocked..."

I opened the door to see Mitsuri sitting on her bed with a slightly red face and a look of sadness and a picture frame sitting in her hands

"Suri, what's wrong?"

"You know, I might just know how you felt when I left you now.."

When she said that, the thoughts of how horrible I felt came rushing through my mind, it felt horrid, I wanted to see her again but it took so many years, sadness, anger, desperation, and slight depression were all things I felt when she left me

No one should ever have to feel like that, and seeing your own sibling feel such horrible and painful things hurt you so much if you truly care about them and you don't have a sour relationship with them

But having a sibling relationship like mine will hit differently though, and not in a good way

A cheerful, happy, and enthusiastic person like Mitsuri should surely never ever feel such things, but here she is, feeling the sad and depressing feelings over me

"Oh Mitsuri..." I said, feeling heartbroken over how she feels right now, then walking closer to her and sitting next to her to comfort her "Do you feel sad, angry, desperate, and slightly depressed...?" I asked just to confirm if she really was feeling the same things as me

"Yea.. I'm SAD cause I don't want you or me to go again, I'm ANGRY cause you have to leave, its mandatory, I feel so DESPERATE for you to stay, and SLIGHTLY DEPRESSED cause I want to spend so much more time with you together and make up for the years we haven't seen each other, spoke to each other, or even write to each other" She said, beginning to tear up what seemed to be once again

"Things I all felt, but you need to stop, you can't go on like this, it's not good for you, putting stress on your mental state while fighting demons? Can end up with you getting hurt or worse.."

"B-but I've missed you so badly, what if we don't see each other for another six years? Or longer?! I can't go through pain that again!"

"Neither can I, but you're close to Mr. Ubuyashiki, he might be the one planning this stuff, maybe you can ask him to put me and the rest of my friends on a group with you!"

"I've always had a smart sister.."

"Thanks sis, but I don't the answer to all questions"

"What's that supposed to mean?"

I handed her my sword, hoping she'd be able to help me in some way, but when she unsheathed it, she gasped


"Damnit.. They gave it to me today, but can you please still try and help me though..? I'm a really quick learner if I pay enough attention, remember?"

"Something tells me this mission is gonna be big, so yea, I'm gonna have to help you for sure! Follow me!"

Mitsuri stood up, grabbed my wrist and dragged me out to the sword training field

"Alright! This'll mainly depends on what form you use, so what is it?"

"Flame breathing"

"Good, I use love breathing which derived from fire breathing"


"Okay, let's get started, I'm going to speak and teach really fast so we dont run out of time, so pay extra close attention alright?"


We began training very quickly, and I matched her moves just as perfectly as she did them, I remembered them, and she recited what she remembered of the fire breathing forms, when it was almost time for us to leave, about 15 minutes before hand, we stopped cause she knew I already had it down

"Now let's go shower as quickly as possible cause we're running out of time!!" Mitsuri said, took my wrists and began to quickly drag us to a showering place which took us a good five minutes, then we got out, got dressed and began to spend our last minutes with each other before I left

"So we got ten minutes left, huh..." I was, beginning to get disappointed

"Yea.. I guess so.... But at least the time with spent with each other, but look what I got with me.."

I suddenly grabbed out a camera and gave it to her so she could see what I had and get the idea of what I was trying to infer

"A camera...?"

"Let's take a picture together to hold our memories!"


We grabbed the camera and set it up and took two pictures, and gave them to each other so we could keep memories of each other

"Thank you Y/n..."

"You're welcome, I don't want you to stay sad for long, so whenever you do feel sad when you're here, just look at the picture and it should give you a somewhat happy nostalgic feeling of what happened today and the time I was here, okay?"

"Okay, I will"

Right after, the door had burst open with an unreasonably enthusiastic mood on his unseelable face under his mask, which made my response be a long sigh

"I'll take it that it's time to go..."

"Yup, Gonpahchiro sent me here"

"Oh, alright... You wanna walk with us Suri?"

"Of course"

We quickly walked to where Tanjiro and Zenitsu were at as I noticed they were waiting there for us with Mitsuri's tutor for being a demon slayer being the Hashira that we were going to meet on the train

"Well, I'll see you soon Y/n.."

"See you soon Mitsuri"

We hugged each other then all four of us walked off, on our way to the train to get to our next destination where the demon was and to meet Rengoku, I think-

Zenitsu x !Fem¡reader: A hashira's sisterWhere stories live. Discover now