Sister Talk (Part Two)

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"Now get to speakin!"

"Alright, alright! I guess I can start off with my most favorite thing you did as a baby"

"Which waaas?"

"When you were three and I was six, I was always stick my finger out when I was thinking, and then you'd take your cute little child finger and push mine back while laughing, it was so cute, I think I bring that picture with me actually!"

"Aweee, I sounded adorable!! Tell me more!"

"When you were months old, I would stick my finger out to you, and you would hold it then go to sleep! And sometimes if cuddle with you too"

"I must've been adorable-"

"You still are silly! No wonder why those two boys like you, which brings me back to the fact that I want you to agree or disagree with me on if you were jealous or not~!"

'Shit, I forgot she may be an airhead sometimes, but when she wants to she can find her way to figure something out through almost any damn way possible, including this or through someone being dead this was inevitable, I should have known this would have happened-'

"I said to tell me about things I did when I was a baby! I never agreed to this!"

"Weeell, technically you did, you said whatever and in the case you said it in, it's usually seen as a way of saying yes"

"I hate it when you're being smart" I said frowning

"And I hate it when you pout, 'Now get to speakin!' Sound familiar to ya??" She said extremely smugly

"You did not just use my own words against me-"

"Yes I did~"

"I'm gonna attack you"

"Don't care, now tell me the truth, we're you, or were you not?!!"

"Fine! I was... Didn't have to force me to hurt my pride you know..? I don't wanna be jealous, I just was, okay? And I don't know why, all I know is that I don't like him, I met him, saw him begging someone to marry him cause he thought he'd die soon, then he said that me and Tanjiro ruined his chance at ever getting married and that we had to fix it, he asked me to marry him, and I told him no at first cause I didn't know him, but eventually, I told him that if I ever began liking him, id date him then make sure to marry him if he ever still feels the same about me, and- he sempt really happy about that, then we went to that place I told you about earlier and that's the day I got jealous I guess.."

"If you don't mind, can you tell me why, please?"

"Nezuko came out her box and this dude went ballistic, he was chasing her around but she was also protecting me cause at the time I was wearing the tight robe, I was hurting a lot and she knew this, so she helped me, but Zenitsu lunged at her so he had to move out the way cause she would've fell back, making me hit my head on the wall, so I also had no choice to turn towards Zenitsu, h-his face landed in my breast, it still hurts actually.. But I dealt with it, though at the time I didn't really know Inosuke, but he wasn't even there, he was apparently outside, even though I last saw him knocked out cold, anyways, I felt left out, and Zenitsu's attention to Nezuko while completely ignored me made me feel sad and jealous too, so I went outside for some fresh air, I didn't know Inosuke was there, but then he eventually asked me to be his queen, so I agreed and told him he was my king, I thought that just agreeing for fun was fun but I don't even think it was for fun anymore, but forget that, back to the story, he ended up breaking after I called him my king, so I called everyone over telling them that I thought I broke him, eventually, they also came up with the fact that I was jealous, and once again, my childish pride told me to tell them that I wasn't, but I was told to prove my point by kissing him on the cheek for five seconds, and I ended up becoming cocky and I almost kissed Zenitsu on the mouth for ten seconds just cause I got too cocky and wanted to 'prove' that I wasn't jealous, but deep down, I completely hate to say it but it felt nice, then I went to sleep regretting everything and then the next day I saw him with no top on while sweating! And surprisingly he was almost as toned, if not more toned then Inosuke! And I tried really hard to not look but in all honesty I kept on- R-respectfully though! Shoot, I didn't even want to look, my eyes acted on their own! But.. Back to that I guess.... Yea, I guess if I'm being honest, I was jealous, like extremely jealous"

"Wow that's a lot- I knew it! And I think I know something else Y/n"

"And that is?"

"You like him, whether you realize it or not you really like him, every single thing you said to me was almost complete proof for me to know you like him even if you don't realize it, you really do and you'll come to realize it soon, whether it's through me or on your own"

"N-no, I can't possibly like him, not unless it like a friend wise situation!"

"Whatever you say, but once you realize you older sister, Mitsuri Kanroji, the LOVE hashira was right, you have every right to come and tell me I was so I can gloat about it in your face"

"Yea yea, like that'll ever happen"


'Does she really-?'

I never really left from outside the room, I just gave Inosuke his boar head back so I could listen in without busting my cover, and I ended up finding out that I actually might have a chance with her but I pretty much lost it with me and my Nezuko tactics, that's heartbreaking, I don't even know if Nezuko likes me, but now I do know that I have a chance with Y/n, but I almost lost my chance, so I have to make it right, somehow- I didn't wanna loose my only chance of getting married and loving someone, so I had to fix it, but I didn't know how, so I thought for a good long while and came up with the best idea I could

I knocked on the door and Y/n answered it, saying I can come in

"What do you need Zenitsu?"

"I-uhm, rooftop.. Do you wanna look at the start tonight on the rooftop?! I-i heard that no demon has ever found here, not even Muzan himself has, so it should be safe, s-so, will you Y/n-chan..?"

"Are you trying to ask me on a date Zenitsu?"

"Only if you want it to be~"

"E-eh?!! W-whatever dumbass, what time are we going..?"

"S-so, you agree that you wanna go with me to the rooftop to talk and look at the stars..?!"

"Yea, j-just don't try any funny business dumbass, now tell me the time before I change my mind!"

"I think 8:30 will do good"

"Alright, 8:30 at night.. I-i guess I'll be there to meet you...."

"A-alright, but before I go, I want you to know that this can be considered a date if you want to, I don't mind at all, actually, I'd love it to be a date but only if you agree to that, lemme know about that later, alright!!" I said walking out the door

"I-uhm, a-alright then, I'll see you later I guess"

"Yup! See you later Y/n-chan!!" Then I shut the door and left

'God Y/n, PLEASE agree to this being a date..!'


"He-he pretty much just asked you out on a date- we have to get you ready!!" Mitsuri yelled in excitement

"Uh huh.." I just mumbled, being a red tomato without even being able to think

"Sis!! Snap out of it, we need to get you ready!"

"But it's only 5:47, we're not going until 8:30!"

"Right, when it's 7:45, we'll get you ready then, alright?"

"Uhm... O-okay then..."

'Did he really just ask me out on a date, and did I really just technically agree to it?! Holy shit I just did! I'M GOING ON MY FIRST DATE WITH A FUCKING IDIOT- AND I'M HAPPY ABOUT IT?! WHAT THE FUCK?! AHH, HELP ME BIG SIS, PLEASE HELP!!'

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