On Our Way (Filler, Beginning of Chapter 7)

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I woke up from the best sleep I've had in a while, and I felt fully refreshed and rested, ready for another dreadful mission

I sat up and scretched, yawned, then looked around the room to find nobody there

'I guess they either left or went outside to train'

Too tired to move whether I had sleep or not, I was about ready to take that opportunity to my advantage to get back to bed, but I ended up hearing footsteps coming straight towards my way

I waited for them to get extremely close to me and then I moved out of the way so I could see who the were, turned out it was the desperate simp who ended up hitting his head on the wall

I heard two other people rushing toward me and I wasnt having it, so I ended up falling right back to sleep, and or pretend to be so they wouldn't know

"Y/n! Wake up! You gotta come out and train before we make our way to the next mission!" Tanjiro said slightly whispering and lightly shaking me

"Y/n! Sleep for as long as you need! I'll join you! I don't wanna go!!"

'Well that's definitely Zenitsu'


'Cant Inosuke be a little bit quieter..?'

Zenitsu went up to me and cling onto my fake asleep body to try and hide to stay here so we don't go fight any demons, but Tanjiro had enough of it so he tried to pry him off carefully

"Zen-it-su! Get off of her and come on!"

They probably didn't know I was actually a really deep sleeper, but just to play along, get some reactions, and make it believable that I was actually asleep, I decided to fake waking up

"Mnn.. What's going on..?" I said sounding perfect for being tired even though I had been awake


My head snapped to the side to see Zenitsu clung onto me, close as hell to my mouth, making me blush

"Zenitsu, I'd appreciate it if you got off of me"


"And I don't want you clinging onto me but here we are and I don't think you're gonna get off of me for a while now, so in conclusion, life's not fair and we have to deal with it"

After I said that, he let go of me and started to pout even more

"Y/n-chan, why are you so mean??!"

"Y'all woke me up from my slumber"


"Yea, you three, please just get out and train for a little bit, I'll join in a second"


The three idiots (technically excluding the only one I truly relate to being Tanjiro) all left to go outside as I got up and look to see if I had any clothes near me

I assumed there was cause Tanjiro and Zenitsu had their uniforms on their bodies, but when I looked around, nothing was near me

"Great, how the hell am I supposed to train.. I can't train inside, I'd break stuff, and I don't wanna train outside cause it's either sweating in this robe, or wearing a bra and some pants out for the time being"

I sat down in the bed I slept in, pondering on which one I should choose, and I personally did not wanna embarrass myself more than yesterday, so I chose to train with my robe thingy on

Zenitsu x !Fem¡reader: A hashira's sisterWhere stories live. Discover now