Chapter 6: Hot Water

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I was getting tired of being here. Did they really mean to leave me here? This place was inhuman. Well Maia, of course it was inhuman, only vampires lived. What she was saying, she was losing her mind.

"Hello!" I yelled through the window to see if I could get some conversation out of the guards, but no way, they kept standing like statues. "I'm stupid and I didn't know it." I said as soon as I saw the window handle to open it . With great care and some force I managed to open it, the strong wind hit me squarely. "Hey!" I yelled again as I leaned out the window. "Do you hear me?"They won't talk to you," they said behind my back, causing me to get scared. Was everyone here aiming to scare me? 

"They are forbidden to have a conversation, unless it is by their superiors." Lucy was back in the room, with her characteristic briefcase. "How are you?" she asked. while laying everything on the bed.

-How do you think I am?- I asked angrily.-I am locked in a dark, gloomy and old room, waiting for a vampire to drain me completely. Do you think I'm okay?" She was silent, not knowing what to say.

"I'm sorry about that," he said after a few seconds. "I must see your wounds." Weren't you going to say anything else? Incredible. I snorted resentfully and approached her. "Sit down, please." I did as she told me and sat down without saying a word. I looked at her briefcase while she began to heal the wound on my forehead, this time there were only gauze pads and hydrogen peroxide. "There is no weapon," she stated firmly.

-I'm sorry about that.-I whispered looking into his eyes.

Don't worry, it's normal. You were in an unknown place, with unknown people. I would have acted like that too, I would have tried to defend myself.-I looked at her with wide-open eyes. Was he giving me the reason?

-My name is Maia, by the way.-I whispered remembering that I hadn't told him my name.-Maia Rossi.

"Charmed, Maia." She took her eyes off my wound for a moment and looked into my eyes. "I'm Lucy, although you already know that." She said with a smile. "Lucy Archer.

-Equally.-I whispered again.

"Your wounds have already disappeared," he said, picking up the things in his briefcase. "I can now discharge you." He chuckled a little.

"How funny." I said ironically, but who am I kidding, I laughed too.

"Well, shall we go?" he asked as he got up.

"What?" I asked confused.

-Yes of course. I must take you to your room.-She answered me as if it were the simplest thing in the world.-You wouldn't think you were going to stay here forever, would you?

"Well, yes." I answered while following his step.

"Come on, let's go, I'll take you to your new bedroom." He opened the door with force. I followed him with caution, wondering if this was a trap. "That room was for quarantine, you had to spend two days in it," he explained when he saw my face.

The corridor was huge, it seemed like it had no end, the walls were made of old stone, but even so they looked quite well cared for. On the floor was a red and gold carpet, with some drawings on it. Everything in this place was beautiful, well everything except that room.

I was scared when I raised my head and found myself with a guard dressed in black, the typical one that if he catches you on the street, your loved ones will never see you again. He was with his head down and calm, he had never seen them calm. He passed by us, lowering his head a little more, without looking at us.

"Why hasn't he looked at us?" I asked, surprised by his behavior.

-It's another of their rules, they shouldn't look at us and even less at you. – she calmly sentenced.

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