New World

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(Welcome back to Asher's story! I hope your ready for what's probably gonna be a drug trip of a Volume.)

"This is the story of a boy, who had a lot of problems."

"Asher!" Ruby yells.

Asher looks up to see Ruby, and the rest of the team, waving at him. Asher waves back when he's suddenly blown of his feet by an explosion going off a few feet from him.


"Ruby!" Yang yells.

Asher turns and sees Yang push Ruby away from Neo's attack, causing Neo to strike Yang and send her off the platform.


Asher coughs as he drops Redemption to the ground with a clank. He looks down to his chest and sees a sword protruding from it.

"I finally got you." Cinder says into Asher's ear.


Asher is falling into the abyss and he looks up to the platform and Sees Weiss, Blake, and Ruby looking over the ledge and down to him.

Asher reaches his right hand up towards them, but his vision goes dark.





Inside a lush green forest we see many different species of plants and animals. A Toucan with Bright Sky blue feathers and red neck feathers flies through the forest.

"Asher!" Ruby's voice echoes.

Suddenly Asher sits up and takes a few deep breaths. His dull silver left eye looks around.

After a few seconds Asher calms down and he looks down to his chest and sees a rip. He moves his scarf and shirt to see a large scar where he was stabbed.

"What?" Asher questions.

Asher fixes his clothes and scar and he looks to his left robotic arm and moves it around and tests it out. "It still works." Asher grunts a little as he stands up. "Come on heart, don't fail me now."

Asher then brings his hand up to his head and feels his metal horn. "Still there." He fixes his eye patch that has his emblem on it.

Asher then grabs his white cloak and looks to the back of it to see a large red blood stain and a large tear. "Sorry Mom, I'll get this fixed as soon as I can. But first..." He looks around and sees a few weird looking animals and a large tree in the distance. "What is this place?"

Asher pats himself down and he finds his pistol

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Asher pats himself down and he finds his pistol.

Asher pats himself down and he finds his pistol

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Asher's Story: RWBY Volume 9Where stories live. Discover now