Altercation at the Auspicious Auction

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Team RWBY and Asher are looking out to the landscape in front of them, the tree off in the distance. Tou is cleaning his feathers with his beak.

It's silent for a few moments before Yang decides to break it

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It's silent for a few moments before Yang decides to break it. "So are we just gonna stand around and thinking about this in silence? Or..."

"I know this place is weird, but a fairy tale?" Ruby starts. "That's impossible." The mouse nods.

"Yeah, a Fairy Tale seems very illogical." Asher says. 

Yang clears her throat and the two twins look up to see Blake pointing between Ruby's mouse and the Toucan on Asher's shoulder.

The two twins then sweat drops. 

Weiss then speaks up. "What we've seen is improbable, but that doesn't mean we're in an actual Fairy Tale." She puts her hands on her hips. "Are we seriously entertaining this?" 

Yang turns to the Snow Princess. "Do you have a better explanation for what's going on?"

Weiss takes a few steps towards the edge and turns to everyone. "Well, let's try to be more logical, shall we? We fell from the sky, Ruby made friends with a tiny mouse."

"Friends!" The tiny mouse says with great happiness.

"Asher was practically brought back to life by a Toucan using a magic fruit." 

Tou smiles. "You're welcome by the way."

Weiss continues. "Blake and I got caught by killer vines." She turns to Yang. "And, uh... You got your arm stolen by, by a what was it that you said?"

Yang is not amused. "A talking raccoon riding on a purple wagon filled with trash."

Ash leans to Ruby. "Sounds like a dream I had once." He whispers.

Weiss blinks a few times. "Yes. That. ... Okay. I see your point of view. I am going to go over here now." Weiss walks off to the side and starts having an existential crises. 

Asher holds up his hand to speak, but just slowly lowers his hand down and keeps quiet. 

"As crazy as it sounds, something about this is familiar." Ruby says as she puts a hand on her chin.

"You're right." Asher scratches his horn.

Blake then speaks up. "The girl who fell through the world." She walks away from the group and towards the edge of the cliff. "I... I think we're in the ever after."

Asher turns to Ruby. "The book that mom read to us when we were very little?"

Ruby shrugs her shoulders.

"I like books!" Tou holds his wings out.

Weiss pops over to Blake. "Blake, that world is make believe. It was just apart of story that we've all read as kids."

Asher's Story: RWBY Volume 9Where stories live. Discover now