The Perils of Paper Houses

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Everyone's sleeping in Jaune's house as the stars shine in the night sky, suddenly someone lights a large lantern in the sky and everything lights up.

Asher is sleeping next to Weiss

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Asher is sleeping next to Weiss. There are some small braids in his hair. His new younger form not bothering him.

Yang is snoring; Blake is sleeping peacefully next to her.

But the only one not sleeping is Ruby, she's looking at her weapon, which is still in the box that Jaune put it in.

Suddenly a bang is heard and the ground shakes.

Jaune shoots up. "I'm late!" He yells, waking everyone up. "Oh, I'm late!" He runs past everyone. "I'm late!"

Everyone gather's outside as Jaune runs over to Juniper.

"What was that?" Weiss asks.

Asher's dull silver eyes looks off to the village and sees it on fire. "Oh, the village is on fire."

"I over slept." Jaune brushes Juniper. "I never over sleep. Yesterday." He grunts in frustration. "All the excitement, Get your head together. You can fix it, you always fix it."

Jaune gets on Juniper and they run off.

"Jaune!" Blake calls out.

"I can't wait, I'm late! Any second there's going to be another-" June gets cut off by a boom. Everyone looks to see more of the village on fire. "Damn it. Right on time, get to town, I'll meet you there!" Juniper hops off.

Little rubs her eyes. "I'm never this upset when I over sleep."

Tou stretches his wings. "My mom yells at me when I over sleep."

"Uh, what did he mean, right on time?" Yang asks.

"I'm sure we'll find out when we get down there." Blake says and she looks to Ruby. "Ruby, where's your weapon?"

"Oh, sorry." Ruby apologizes. "Uh, still waking up." She runs back inside the hut.

"Uh, hurry!" Weiss shouts. "People are counting on us!"

Asher's silver eyes gain a shine and a child-like demeanor appears in his the,. "Red Team will save the day!" He looks down at his hands. "Where's my shotgun?"

"Winter has it, remember what Jaune said?" Yang says.

Asher's eyes dull slightly and lose the child-like demeanor. "Oh, right." Asher shakes his head and he blinks a few times.

Ruby runs back outside and the team runs down the hill towards the village. Asher stumbles a little. The party crosses a bridge and they come to the village, to find it made out of paper.

"Wow." Blake says as she looks around.

"Who makes a town out of paper?" Yang asks.

A blue paper star walks over to Yang and waves. "Hello." Everyone turns to the blue star. "Welcome to our village, we hope that it pleases you. Would you be so kind to tell us what you are, so that we may serve you?"

Asher's Story: RWBY Volume 9Where stories live. Discover now