A Cat Most Curious

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Ruby and Asher are running on a trail that leads through a field of red plants and flowers.

"Kitty!" Ruby yells out. "Kitty!"

"Here Kitty, kitty, kitty!" Asher yells out.

"Wait! No no no!"

"I've got a can of tuna!" Asher yells out as he suddenly holds up a can of tune. 

"Where did you get that?" Tou asks.

Asher shrugs his shoulders and tosses the can off to the side. "I found it."

Suddenly Little squeaks and points out to the red grassland. "A Cats hind quarters."

The two twins turn to see the Curious Cat's tail moving through the tall grass.

"Uh, excuse me." Ruby calls out.

Suddenly the Curious Cats head pops out from the grass behind the twins. "You're excused." He scares the twins.

The top half of the Cat walks past the twins.

The top half of the Cat walks past the twins

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"Uh, hello, uh, cat." The twins say together as the cat reunites with its bottom half.

"Curious Cat?" Ruby says.

"Which one do you go by?" Asher asks.

"Oh, I don't 'go by' that belong to the days and the years." The Cat states. "But if you are asking me what I am? I do suppose I am indeed a cat, most curious."

The twins look to each other then back to the cat. "Of... course." They say.

"Uh...hehe." Ruby lets out a small chuckle. "Look my friends and I really need to get to that giant tree, and so far nothing we tried has gotten us any further."

"It looks to me that we're even farther." Weiss states.

"Yeah, I think that's because we're six inches tall." Yang informs. 

Weiss crosses her arms. "It could be both."

Asher rubs Weiss' head with a finger. "Aww, aren't you so cute."

"Asher Sarge Rose, stop that this instant." Weiss orders as she tries to push Asher's infer off her head.

"Aww, the cute wittle Weiss thinks she can order me around." Asher smiles and a crunch is heard and he yelps as he pulls back his hand. "She bit me!"

"The tree, the tree." The Cat sits down. "Tree tree tree tree." He gasps. "Oh, of course. That is most definitely impossible. You do not go to the tree, the tree goes to you. Unless of course you're me, you see."

"Not even a little bit." Yang states.

Asher scratches his head. "This cat confuses me."

Tou nods. "Yes, this cat confuses me too."

The Cat smiles "Well, that's your problem. It's a matter of perspective, I'm afraid."

"But, Uh, couldn't you take us then?" Ruby asks. "You've been there before."

Asher's Story: RWBY Volume 9Where stories live. Discover now