Rude, Red, and Royal

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The Team and the two talking animals are being escorted to the Crimson Castle.

The Team and the two talking animals are being escorted to the Crimson Castle

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A guardsmen plays the drums as he walks in front of the group.

"This is the perfect place for a guy like me." Asher says as he looks at the red around him.

"Uh, are we sure we should do this?" Yang asks Ruby.

"Well, the Red King helped Alyx." Ruby states.

"We aren't Alyx." Weiss says.

After a while of walking they make it to the courtyard of the Crimson Castle. Everyone high mostly on high alert. Drums start to play.

"I wonder how much property tax is around here?" Asher whispers as he looks around.

Then the Guards men back up and start to play their trumpet axes.  And a small boy, with a crown on his head, walks towards the team, with an arogeant stride. 

"I've got a bad feeling." Tou whispers to Asher.

"Me, too." Asher whispers back.

The boy reaches the team and does a pose.

"You're the Red King?" The twins asks.

The boy looks at the Rose twins, as if they completely offended him. "Uhg, how dare you! There is no King! I am the Royal Red Prince." His crown falls onto his eyes as he poses, then he pushes it back up.

The five teens look at each other as the Red Prince continues his rant. "Why I never, coming to someones castle without even knowing who they are. And on my birthday!" he stomps his foot.

"On his Birthday, your Majesty!" All the Guardsmen yell.

The Prince then notices a guard distracted by a butterfly. The guards friend notices him and elbows him, the guard then stands up straight at attention. "On his birthday, your Majesty!" He quickly says. 

The Red Prince narrows his eyes at the guard, then he smiles. "Yes, yes, a joyous occasion. Thank you very much."

"The Red Prince?" Blake whispers to the rest of her team and Asher.

"The King wasn't nearly as rude." Yang adds.

"Or small." Asher also adds.

"Or loud." 

A guard points at the five teens. "Well, if it hadn't been for your kind, the King would still be here." The other guards shush him.

"Was that racism?" Asher asks the four girls.

"What's racism?" Tou asks.

"Oh, you poor bird."

Ruby sighs and walks forward and stops behind the Prince, then she curtsy. "Happy birthday, your Majesty." 

Then the four others and two animals say happy birthday, the teens being unenthusiastic, while the two animals are very sincere about it.

The Red Prince turns around with a gasp. "How do you know such privilege information?!"

Asher's Story: RWBY Volume 9Where stories live. Discover now