Chapter 2

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Tw: mentions of abuse and shitty family's

Third person POV

Tommy made it up the stairs first, followed by Tubbo. Then Dream, Ranboo, and Purpled came up behind them. Even though Tommy and Tubbo had only been away from the adults for a few minutes they were already wrestling. Dream smiled fondly but he had to separate them. By now the other caretakers had made it to the adoption area. Purpled and Ranboo walked over to the other children and they all started talking. It still amazes Dream how quickly these kids could become friends. "They should be here any minute." Puffy mutters. Dream smiled at the kids as they all wrestled and played. Fundy leaned into Dream and Dream could tell that the other was getting more and more anxious. "Honey are you ok? You're shaking. Why are you so nervous?" Dream asks. "Uhhh there's something I haven't told you guys and I'm super nervous because I know what my 'family' will do once they get a new kid." Fundy says. Dream pulls Fundy into a hug "you can talk to us hun. What is it?" Dream asks. "Uhhh they are super possessive. Like they wouldn't let me leave the house or see any of my friends they were so possessive." Fundy says. Dream looks at Fundy with both sadness and shock "Funds why didn't you tell us before?" Dream asks. Suddenly a bell sounds alerting everyone that the three people were here. "I was scared. I didn't know if you would believe me. But now that they are trying to get a new child I need to speak up for the kid." Fundy says, tears falling down his face. Dream hugs him "oh sweetie we would have believed you. I knew something was up whenever I asked if I could meet Wilbur and you would panic." Dream says rubbing Fundy's back. Fundy sobs into Dreams chest. "Hey what happened?" George asks in genuine concern. "He admitted something's that we really need to know. Can you all watch him and hide him while I go and talk to my mom." Dream says. George and Sapnap nodded as Ponk pulled Fundy into a hug. "Can we ask what he admitted? It's fine if he doesn't want you to tell us." Sapnap says, rubbing Fundys back. "Is that alright Fundy?" Dream asks. Fundy nods as he continues sobbing into Ponks chest "it's better for them all to know." Fundy mutters through choked sobs.

Dream explained everything to his friends and they all hugged Fundy. "Don't worry Dream. We'll protect him." Sapnap says. Dream smiles before walking to his mom. She walked back in to the room, followed by Wilbur, Techno, and Philza. "Hey mom can we talk?" Dream asks. "In a moment sweetie. I need them to all do the interviews." Puffy says. "Mom it's about the Minecraft family." Dream says quietly. "Oh well umm..." Puffy mutters before pulling out her phone. "Sorry about this Mr. Minecraft we don't have enough employees at the moment so I'm going to have to call someone and ask if they can come in." Puffy says. "Of course. We understand. May we ask them a few things like just try and start a conversation with them so that they will be more comfortable when talking to us?" Phil asks. "Of course! Go right on ahead." Puffy smiles before leaving the room. Dream hears some talking through the walls but he can't catch what she's saying. A few minutes later she walks back into the room. "I am so sorry for the wait Mr. Minecraft. The person will be here in a few minutes." Puffy says apologetically. Phil just smiles and says "no it's ok. We understand how hard it can be especially with limited employees." Dream could have sworn that he saw Wilbur's eyes look in Fundys direction and his smile seemed to look a little more menacing than before. Dream looks at Wilbur, feeling a little uncomfortable, and he just sighs. It's probably just paranoia. Dream thinks.

Finally, after what felt like hours (even though it had only been a few minutes), Sam arrived. Dream smiled at his mom. "Oh hey Sammy!" Ponk says happily. "Hey Ponk." Sam says quietly. Everyone knew that Sam wasn't one to show his affection around other people, however he is super clingy when it's just him and his boyfriends. Sam's love language is touch but he's embarrassed about it so he shows his love for his boyfriends when around people by a quick peck or saying that he loves them. Ponk giggles but doesn't move. "Hey Puffy. What did you need?" Sam asks. "Oh I just need you to help them with the interview. You don't have to watch them but I just want you to be there for the kids." Puffy says. She then moves closer and whispers something to Sam. Sam nods and walks over to the group. "Alright! Who wants to go first?" Sam asks. All of the kids started to raise their hands and wrestled with each other, much to the amusement of the caretakers. Sam eventually managed to break up the giggling mass of children. "Alright let's go in line from shortest to tallest." Sam says. Tommy groans but they line up, still giggling. Tubbo went first, escorted by Sam and the SBI (the name of the artist group) followed. "Alright Dream what did you want to talk about?" Puffy asks. Dream leans in and whispers to his mother what Fundy had told them.

Puffy looked at Dream in horror of what she had just learned. "O-oh my." She whispers, by now Tubbo and Purpled had finished their interviews. Sam turns to look at her with a questioning look. "Sam I don't think that these people are fit for a child." Puffy says. "Why?" Sam asks. "Well they apparently trapped Fundy and wouldn't let him outside. They would also abuse him whenever he would break any of their rules." Puffy says. Sam looks at her and sighs "alright I'll do some research on it. Just let them finish the interviews. I'll look it up and then tell them that you'll get back to them. The adoption process can take a while plus your the owner." Sam says. Puffy nods hesitantly. "Look I know that you have proof and you don't want to do this and you have complete control but I do need to report it before they can do anything." Sam says sadly. Puffy nods "I understand."

Hello humans! How are you all? Remember you are loved, you matter, eat food, drink water, I love you all<3

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