Chapter 5

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Tw: swearing, possessive behavior, implied abuse, mentions of murder, mentions of blood, and passing out

Third person POV

Tommy was still screaming and crying but he was no longer fighting their grip. "I can't believe you Techno. You made him cry." Wilbur says angrily. "I didn't mean to. Plus he would have cried anyways. He's known these people for his entire life and we just murdered them in front of him." Techno points out. "Yeah but you killed that other child right in front of him. At least when we killed the other people in that bunker we didn't do it right in front of him." Wilbur screeches back. "Yeah but he would have heard the sounds anyways. At least the child died soundlessly." Techno grumbles. Wilbur was about to say something when Phil jumped in "Boys stop fucking arguing. We have to get Tommy home as quickly as possible." "Sorry dad." Wilbur says. "It's fine but we don't want to spook Tommy anymore than we already have. It's already gonna be difficult to gain his trust." Phil says. Wilbur and Techno don't talk the entire rest of the way. The only sound that can be heard is Tommy's sobs, which wrack his entire body which makes his body shake violently with each sob.

Bye the time they finally got to the house Tommy had stopped crying and his eyes were drooping. He was very clearly exhausted. He was trying to stay awake because he doesn't trust these people but it was getting more and more difficult to stay awake. "Awwww are you tired starlight? You should go to sleep. We won't hurt you." Wilbur says. Tommy shakes his head but his body can't fight against sleep and he falls asleep in Wilbur's arms. Wilbur smiles creepily and follows his brother and dad into the house.

Once they get into the house Wilbur rushes up the stairs to put Tommy to bed. The three older people immediately got to work on fixing up his appearance. The first things that they focused on were the tear streaks that were visible all down his face. Wilbur wiped carefully away at the area with a soft cotton pad that had a small amount of hydrogen peroxide (don't quote me on this. Google told me this works. I have no idea if that's true.) He rubbed off the tear stains off quickly and gently. While Wilbur was doing this Phil applied a cold compress under Tommy's eyes to help reduce the redness and swelling from all of the crying. They couldn't have any imperfections on this beautiful child. The only reason Tommy would ever have any imperfections would be if he didn't listen to them. If he try's to run or if he disobeyed they would have to punish him. They only do things that can be covered up by either clothes or makeup. So there could be no deep cuts on the face because that would be to difficult to cover. This young boy was perfect in the eyes of the SBI. They wouldn't let anyone see him ever unless it was through a painting. Techno watched all of this happen but didn't touch anything.

After Wilbur and Phil had finished freshening Tommy up and making him look like a part of the family. "Hey dad. I'm gonna go feed Steve and hang out with Carl." Techno says. "Ok mate. Come back in when I call you." Phil answered with a smile. Techno walked out the door and Phil just sighed. "Tommy's probably not gonna be very obedient immediately. Right dad? He'll need to be trained and taught." Wilbur says, running his hand through Tommy's golden locks. "Unfortunately yes... he won't immediately be the obedient boy that we need him to be." Phil says. Wilbur looks down at Tommy and runs his hand down the sides of Tommy's face "It's such a shame that we will have to ruin this perfect child. He'll always be far more perfect than anyone else but his form will be tainted with scars." He say as Tommy shifts in his sleep. Phil nods before walking out of the room. "You stay with him and tell me when he wakes up. I'm gonna go check on Techno and start dinner." Phil yells. "Ok!" Wilbur yells back as Tommy shifts yet again. Wilbur runs his hands through Tommy's hair, unknotting it and fluffing it up. Wilbur smiles and hugs his new brother.

Tommy awoke to a new place. He blinked confusedly and looked around. Where the fuck am I? How did I get here? Where is Tubbo and Ranboo and Dream? Tommy thinks. He feels a hand in his hair and he looks over. There's an older man smiling down at him while running his hands through his hair. Tommy blinked in confusion before it all came rushing back. The gun shots, the death, the hiding, the crying. He remembered everything. Tommy immediately tried to stand up but he got grabbed and pulled back down to the man. "Oh no you don't darling. You can't run from us." The man said. Tommy put his hands over his eyes as a dizzy feeling settles over him. It was most likely from Tommy trying to stand up to fast. This was confirmed as the dizziness disappeared and was replaced with fear. Tommy struggled in the man's hold but to no avail. He wasn't able to get out of the man's grip. Tommy was fairly certain that this man was Wilbur but he hadn't been able to get a good look at him. Tommy screamed a little, kicked, bit, and fought in several other ways. He heard the man yell something but he couldn't directly make out what he had said. Suddenly the door opened and another man was standing there. By now Tommy was out of breath and had no more fight left in him. His hearing was a little fuzzy but he could still hear voices. Suddenly Tommy felt himself being picked up and moved which created a whole new sense of panic. Fueled by this new found panic he starting fighting against them again to get to an escape. His flailing ended up causing Wilbur to fall and Tommy took this opportunity to escape. He immediately started running through the halls. He heard footsteps coming after him but his smaller form gave him some advantage. Unfortunately the taller and larger people were faster and stronger. Tommy feels something hit him in the back of the head and everything goes black.

Hello humans! How are you? Remember you are loved, you matter, eat food, drink water, I love you all<3

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