Chapter 8

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Tw: mentions of abuse, mentions of child neglect,  a small amount of swearing, running away, and shitty living conditions.

Third person POV

Phil arrived back to the other two boys with Tommy trailing close behind him. He explained to them the rules that he had set for Tommy. They both begrudgingly agreed to it after a couple minutes of arguing. They had realized that they weren't getting anywhere with the arguments so they gave up. The door opened and Tommy felt the sun against his face for the first time in years. A smile split across his face and he ran out a little. Not to far from Phil, Wilbur, and Techno so he wouldn't get harmed. Tommy smiled genuinely for the first time since he had come to the house. Phil, Techno, and Wilbur all stood transfixed at Tommy's smiles. They hadn't seen him smile since he had been wrestling with that boy in the purple hoodie. They watched as his hair seemed to get a little lighter, his skin seemed to glow, and his raccoon ears and tail popped up. They watched as he ran around in the grass, his blue eyes shining brighter than they had ever seen them. Tommy laughed a little in pure joy as they finally got themselves together. "Come on Toms. Let's get to the car." Phil says. Tommy nods and runs over into the car. Wilbur and Techno follow him. They both sat on either side of Tommy and Tommy smiled again. He leaned on Wilbur's shoulder and willingly allowed Wilbur to run his hands through his hair. Wilbur looked down at Tommy in shock before smiling back. Techno continued reading his book but he saw Tommy move his head. He looked over a little and smiled, a rare occurrence, before looking back at his book.

Once they made it to the park all of the doors opened. Wilbur stepped out and helped Tommy out of the car as Techno and Phil were getting out of the car. Once they were all out Tommy immediately ran over to the hill. It was a small private spot right on the outskirts of town. Not many people knew about it so it was perfect for them to bring Tommy here. They watched Tommy run around, play in the leaves, and climb trees. He looked so happy while playing outside. Wilbur decided to paint Tommy in the tree and he looked up at him. Tommy was laughing and smiling as his legs wrapped around the tree brach that he was on. There were only a few people walking around and they didn't pay much attention to the family. Wilbur painted with delicate strokes. He decided to paint an outline of the tree first just so he had something to work with. He then painted Tommy hanging upside down because he knew that Tommy probably wouldn't stay in that position for much longer. Wilbur was proven correct when Tommy pulled himself upright onto the branch in the middle of Wilbur painting in the color. Tommy held his head a little before going back upside down. Wilbur watched fondly as he painted his youngest brother playing around. As he was painting in the color of the tree Tommy crawled down the tree. He ran around in the leaves and both Phil and Techno watched him stop through the grass and leaves. Tommy was just happy to have the sun on his skin, the wind in his hair, see the clouds and sky. He spun around before laying down on the ground. Even though he was breaking one of the rules he was to happy. The rest of the people in his 'family' didn't really seem to care. They seemed to be transfixed by how happy he looked. Deciding to use this to his advantage he ran around for a few more minutes until the three of them decided to stop paying attention to him. Tommy took this opportunity and fucking bolted. He ran down the hill and into the forest. He threw his shoes off before running deeper into the forest. He knew that it wouldn't take them long to realize that he was gone so he had to move fast. He ran deep into the woods, swerving randomly, zigzagging, and making the path as confusing as possible. He did this so he would be more difficult to track. Once he felt confident in the trail he had made he ran towards the city. He decided to go to the city that was farther away from where he was and where they lived. He heard shouts of anger and screams of frustration being released into the air by his kidnappers. He smiled but didn't make any noise as if they would be able to hear him. He ran towards the city as fast as he possibly could. All of the animals panicked and ran away from the young human as he rushed through the forest. One of the unfortunate things about being tall was that he was constantly hitting his head. He groaned as a branch that he hadn't seen hit him in the face for the seventeenth time. He didn't give up though and he just kept on running.

Finally he made it to the city. He didn't stop until he was safely inside the city walls. Once he was inside he sat down and started panting for breath. He was hungry, thirsty, and tired. He decided that he could deal with the hunger and thirst tomorrow. He laid down and fell into an uncomfortable and nightmare plagued sleep. He twisted and turned in the alley as his sleep was continually interrupted. Finally he drifted off into a deep but uncomfortable sleep. It was one of those sleeps where you would have a horrific dream but you wouldn't be able to remember it when you woke up.

Once Tommy did wake up he sat up gasping. He decided that he would go to the police and try to explain to them the situation. Tommy knew that it was only a matter of time before the SBI came looking for him in this town. He knew he had to act fast in order to get out of this state. He stood up and started running down the empty streets. He found a clock and it read 5:30 am. Not many people were up and they streets were practically deserted. He did know that the police station should be open 24/7 so he should be alright. He walked into the station and the young woman working behind the counter looked up. Once she looked up she immediately stood. Her face went from calm and annoyed to worried and horrified in a matter of seconds. "Oh sweetie! What happened? You look so cold! Your shivering. Come on come back here. I can help you and then you can tell us what happened." The woman says in an incredibly anxious tone. She came around the front with a fresh change of clothes and a big fluffy blanket. She handed him the clothes and let him get dressed. Once he was done she handed him the blanket before ushering him back into a small room. She handed him a cup of hot chocolate before saying that she would be right back. She grabbed his dirty clothes before leaving the room.

A few minutes later another woman came into the room with a worried expression on her face. "Hey buddy. I'm going to ask you a few questions. Is that okay?" She asks. Tommy nodded at her and she took a seat right across from him.

Hello humans! How are you? Remember you are loved, you matter, eat food, drink water, I love you all<3

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