Chapter 9

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Tw: mentioned+implied abuse, possessive behavior, swearing, murder, and implied trauma.

Third person POV

Tommy had stopped shivering by now and he was a little calmer. The woman smiles at him and sits down across from him. "Alright sweetie. I just want you to know that you don't have to answer any of these questions if you don't want to. My first question is what is your name?" The woman asks.

"My name is Tommy Innit." He whispers quietly. The woman smiles sadly at him before pulling up something on her computer.

"Alright it says here on your file that you are eight years old, your parents are dead, and you were apparently the only survivor of the attack on an orphanage." The woman asks "what are you doing hear? Your town is several miles away from here." She looks at him with concern and Tommy shrinks down a little.

"I ran away from the people who attacked the orphanage. They took me to their house and treated me like their child but they also abused me a little." Tommy whispered.

The woman looked down at him sadly before going back to the file "what were these peoples names?"

"Oh they were the SBI. Philza, Wilbur, and Technoblade." Tommy says, close to tears.

She looked up with surprise evident in her face. "Oh. Ok well we can protect you. Do you have any family? Anyone that you know can protect you and take care of you?" She asks. Tommy shakes his head and the woman sighs. She writes something down before walking over to Tommy. "How about this. We'll let you stay here and if we don't find anyone to take you then one of us will adopt you." The woman says sweetly. A smile spread across Tommy's face and he nods excitedly. Suddenly the sound of a bell ringing out signaled that there were people at the front. The woman looks over before saying "I'm going to go check on who that is. You stay here and make yourself comfortable." She stands and walks away.

The woman walks into the front of the police station. She was immediately met with a gun and the faces of three very famous painters. "Where the fuck is he?" Wilbur demanded.

"I don't know who's your talking about." The woman lies putting her hands up. The gun clicks and she can feel the pressure of the gun on her chest. Tears formed a little but she would die if it meant protecting this kid. Unfortunately the SBI saw through her lie. Or perhaps they just knew that the boy was here because the gun was pressed further into her chest.

"We aren't fucking around. We know that Tommy is here. Bring us to him and no one gets hurt." Wilbur said in a dangerous voice. The woman nods frantically, discreetly pressing the button on her walkie talkie that would call for help and she started moving. The gun was pressed into her back and she could hear other police moving towards her. She continued walking until she made it to the other police. They all had their guns out and they all pointed them at the SBI. No one stepped back even after they saw that famous people were the ones attacking. The woman hears a finger being placed over the trigger. "You make any wrong moves and we will shoot." Wilbur threatens.

"Do it. The kid matters more than me right now. As long as he's being protected it's fine." The woman smiles as all of the police aimed. She could see tears forming in the eyes of some of her colleagues. She heard the command to fire and she felt the bullet rip through her skin. The last things she heard was guns being fired and screaming.

Tommy could hear everything. The screaming, the gun fire, the shattering of glass and bullets piercing cabinets. He had his hands over his ears and tears flowing out of his eyes. Flashbacks from the orphanage and the murders came flooding back into his head. He remembered the sickening crack of Tubbo's neck, the sound of gunshots, the screaming, the crying. He was rocking back and forth trying to calm himself. He was so deep in his thoughts that he didn't notice that everything went silent until it was almost to late. He managed to calm down in time to hear the sounds of footsteps and voices. He knew that it wasn't the police because one of the police had locked the door for his safety. He hadn't noticed until Wilbur's voice had demanded him to open the door. Tommy didn't say anything and instead stood up. There was a window that he could see that he would be able to escape through. He quickly stood up, getting a little dizzy, and ran towards the door. He heard yelling and the door smashing open. He grabbed the window and yanked it open. He wasn't thinking, to scared and doing things on impulse. He heard the door smash and he screamed a little. He stood and climbed out of the window. Or at least he tried. Just as he got into the window sill and was about to climb he got grabbed and yanked back. He fell into someone's arms and immediately started struggling.

"Shhh shhhhh shhhh. Toms calm down. Moonlight. Sweetie. Please calm down. We've come to rescue you." Wilbur murmured. Tommy sobbed and struggled harder to get away from Wilbur. He almost got free and away from Wilbur when another person came and helped keep him from escaping. "You are in so much fucking trouble when we get home Tommy." Wilbur said, tone completely shifting from what he had originally said.

Eventually Tommy fell asleep, to exhausted from his lack of sleep and his constant screaming, crying, and struggling. He was still enough for them to move him without the threat of someone being toppled over and Tommy escaping again. Wilbur picked up Tommy and looked at his other family members. "We aren't letting him outside ever again." He stated. The rest of them nodded, climbing into the car. Tommy was laid down in between Wilbur and Techno as Phil started the car and drove away.

Hello humans! I am so sorry this took so long. How are you? Remember you are loved, you matter, eat food, drink water, I love you all<3

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