Chapter 3

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Tw: mentions of blood, gore, explosions, voices, and insanity in the paintings

Third person POV

Sam just sighed as Tommy and Tubbo started fighting each other. "Tommy come on. It's your turn." Sam says. Tommy smiles and stands up. His anxiety shows through a little when he hugs all of his friends goodbye to stall. Sam smiles sympathetically at Tommy. He knew how a lot of people didn't like Tommy because he's always loud and brash. He's a very extroverted kid who loves physical contact. It doesn't matter if the physical contact is a hug or wrestling one of his friends he just loves touch. Sam smiles as Tommy runs ahead having been through this process several times. Tommy makes it to the room and Sam opens the door. "You all have as much time as you need. There is one more kid after this." Sam says before closing the door. He didn't listen in on the conversation because that would be cruel but he would stand outside. If anyone screams or try's to get out he can hear it and make sure that everyone is safe. Sam sighed as he prepared himself to be standing there for a long time.

Tommy's leg bounced uncontrollably. He was anxious about this interview because normally people don't like how loud and explicit he is. Even if he's young he knows plenty of swear words although he refrains from saying them in front of his friends and the care takers. In all honesty Tommy had mixed emotions about being adopted. On one hand he would finally be able to run around freely and he wouldn't have to worry about being moved to a different home on the other the people at the orphanage had become almost like a family to him and he's never been without Ranboo and Tubbo. As much as he pretended to hate Ranboo he would miss them a lot. Tommy sighed and focused on the three people in front of him. One had longish blonde hair that was pulled back into a ponytail, he had blue eyes, and green clothes. He was wearing a dark green suit with a black undershirt. Tommy recognized this as Ph1lza or Philza. This entire family were well known painters and Tommy had seen a few of their art works. All he really knew about Philza was that he was the dad of the group and he was married to a woman who was always depicted as a goddess of sorts. Ph1lza had large black crow wings and he had a few crows on his shoulders. The next one was Wilbur Soot who had short fluffy brown hair, red eyes, and was wearing a fluffy brown fur coat over a light yellow turtle neck sweater with gold wire glasses. He also had on black dress pants and shoes. Wilbur was the younger of the twins and he was good at both painting and playing guitar. Finally there was Techno. Techno was and introvert with pink braided hair, red eyes, and he's wearing a dark red overcoat with a lighter red suit and a black corset. Techno was the older one of the twins and he painted gory and bloody images. Unlike the first two who drew...not peaceful but generally not violent... images Techno was known for his violent paintings. Tommy sighed as he recalled what he could about their paintings. Philza had the most peaceful paintings out of the three artists. He painted pictures of his wife, Kristen, and his home. His paintings also almost always had crows in them. Wilbur didn't paint blood but he does paint other... disturbing...things. He has many paintings of explosions and insanity but he also has pictures of his girlfriend Sally and he painted pictures of Fundy. Finally Techno who was the most violent with his paintings. Technoblade was known as the blood god because of his paintings of bloodshed, war, and withers. He also painted interpretations of the voices that he had in his head.

Tommy blinked a few times at how awkward this silence was. "Do you want me to start or are you gonna say shit?" Tommy asks. Wilbur giggled a little and says "you can go first." "Alright I am big man Tommy Innit! I am eight years old. I've been here for my entire life and I'm friends with Tubbo and Ranboo." Tommy says. Wilbur smiled and started talking "I am Wilbur Soot Minecraft. You probably know that we are all artists and I like to play music. I am 16. I have a girlfriend named Sally and that's it!" Wilbur says. Next was Phil "hello mate! I am Phil or Philza Minecraft. I have a wonderful wife and these two shits are my children. I am 33 years old and that's really all you need to know about me." Phil says. Finally it was Techno "I am 16 years old. And my name is Technoblade but just call me Techno." He says quickly. "Do you have any questions for us before we ask you our questions?" Phil asks. "Uhhh no questions but I have a few statements." Tommy says. "Alright go on." Wilbur says. "Philza is old man and you can't change my mind." Tommy says in a very serious voice. Wilbur started laughing and Puilza looked at him in confusion. "I'm only thirty three years old!" Phil squawks. Tommy laughs at their reactions before saying "alright what did you have to ask me?" "Uh not much. First whats your favorite color?" Phil asks. "My favorite color is red! No reason just really like the color." Tommy shrugs. "What's your favorite animal?" Wilbur asks. "Either a spider or a moth... wait shit those aren't animals uhhhh a raccoon!" Tommy decided. Everyone looks a little surprised. "Did I say something wrong? Why are you staring at me?" Tommy asks. "Oh no no no you didn't say anything wrong we were just a little surprised that you said a moth and spider as your favorite animals." Wilbur says. "Oh ok!" Tommy says. "Ok final question what do you like to do in your spare time and do you have any hobbies?" Wilbur asks. "Uhhh normally I'll hang out with my friends or play video games. However I like flowers and I know how to sew a little. My hobbies are just playing video games, sewing, and picking flowers." Tommy says.

Once they are done Sam comes in and collects Tommy. He runs down the hallway and tackles Tubbo. "Hey Tubs. Your husband is leaving you." Tommy says. Tubbo sighed as he sat up "He's gonna be back and you know it." Tommy whines as he get shoved off of Tubbo "your no fun. I'm gonna go hang out with Purpled and leave you all alone." Tubbo just sits there waiting for his platonic husband to return. Tommy and Purpled wrestle as the caretakers all watch with worry about how the Minecraft family will react.

Hello humans! How are you? Remember you are loved, you matter, eat food, drink water, I love you all<3.

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