Chapter 7

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Tw: kidnapping, abuse, trauma, implied child neglect, and sleep deprivation

Third person POV

A few days later Tommy had learned the hard way the punishments for the rules. He had never purposely broken any rules however he was a loud child. The family didn't really mind that he was talking and a little loud but they were all into being proper. So whenever Tommy would get to loud he would get punished. Whenever his posture became even slightly slouched they would yell at him and smack him. Tommy had quickly learned how they wanted him to behave. He was originally planning Innit following any of their rules becoming they had killed everyone he loved and cared about. However that plan changed once he learned that the punishments were physical. He knew that everyone who had died would rather him to follow the rules and not get hurt than try and be loud and obnoxious for them. He sighed as he payed down in his bed. This was the first break he had gotten from these psychopaths since he had gotten there. He relaxed into the bed as tears came to his eyes. Tommy hadn't been able to show his grief about his friends deaths since he had gotten to the house. The pulled his hands over his eyes and sobbed. Life was never in his favor and now he was living in this place with these abusive people. He had never really been abused before. His parents were nice people and tried as hard as they could to make his life happy. His dad didn't have enough money to pay for both his hospital bills, basic necessities, and his wife's funeral so he decided to stop getting help. This unfortunately lead to his death and left Tommy all alone. He was taken to the orphanage after the people learned that all of his family loved to far away. He sighed quietly as tears continued to fall down his cheeks. As a child be had taken everything for granted. He had taken his parents, his friends, his house for granted. He couldn't change or know until it was to late. Tommy sighed quietly and turned onto his side. It had been years since he had actually cried about his parents deaths. Their death was always somewhere in the back of his mind but he hadn't actually cried about it for years. He quickly learned that he couldn't live in the past but that didn't make their death's easier. He sighed as he Mayes his head down to sleep.

Tommy awoke to a knocking at the door. His sleep wasn't any better than real life with these monsters. His sleep was plagued with nightmares of death and abuse. "Toms are you awake?" Someone asks. "Yeah I'm awake." Tommy whispered hoarsely. Tommy groggily opened his eyes and hears the door open. "Good morning sleepyhead." Wilbur say bounding into the room. Tommy yawns and rubs his eyes and Wilbur frowns. "Toms were you crying?" He asks. "Hmmm? Oh uh no. Why do you ask?" Tommy asks groggily. "Your eyes are red and puffy. They look like you've been crying." Wilbur says. "They sometimes get like that after I sleep. I have nightmares and sometimes I cry in my sleep." Tommy explains. Wilbur's face softens and he pulls Tommy into a hug "oh I'm sorry Toms. What was the nightmare about? Is there anything we could do about it?" Wilbur asks, rubbing circles on Tommy's back. "I mean it's not like you murdered my friends in front of me." Tommy whispers in a snarky tone. Wilbur pulls away and glares at Tommy "what did you say?" He asks digging his nails into Tommy's shoulders. "I didn't say anything." Tommy whispers in slight fear. "No no no. I heard that you said something. Tell me what it was." Wilbur demands slapping Tommy across the face. Tommy's cheek turns a little red from how hard the hit was. Tommy whimpered a little but said "I just said that maybe some therapy or outside time would help." Wilbur punches Tommy several times in the stomach "don't you dare even think about going out. Now get the fuck out of bed and get dressed. We have shit to do today." Wilbur says angrily. Tommy nods and stands up. Wilbur walks swiftly out of the room and down the stairs. Tommy groans a little in pain as he walks over to his dresser. He sighs as he grabs a simple red collared shirt and black pants. He also put on a small locket necklace that held a small group photo of all of the orphanage children and staff. It was the only thing he had left from them. He wasn't allowed to grab anything from his room and all he had on was this locket and a flower crown from Tubbo. On his third day at the house the family had seized his flower crown and thrown it into a fire. Tommy had been forced to watch as it was thrown into the fire. Tommy shivered a little at the memory as he forced himself back to the present. He checked himself in the mirror before walking downstairs.

"Are you sure this is safe?" Wilbur asks. Tommy walks into the room and Techno looks over at him. He walks over and pulls him out of the room. "Yes I'm quite sure. Trust me I don't want to do this any more than you do but we have to do this. We can't leave him home alone and it would be nice to paint at least one picture of him outside." Phil says. "...fine. But I don't like this." Wilbur says. "Alright Tech- Techno?" Phil says. "I'm right here dad. It's just that Tommy came down." Techno says in his usual monotone voice. "Oh alright. I want to talk to him anyways." Phil says. Tommy stays quiet as Phil and Techno basically switch places. "So Wilbur told me about what you said. Never say that ever again or else the punishment will be a lot worse. However I do think it would be good for you to get out at least for a few minutes. So listen to me very carefully. We are going to do some paintings of you outside. If you behave well we will think about letting you go out more often. If you don't though you will be punished and you'll never be allowed back outside. So don't try anything ok?" Phil asks. Tommy nods in excitement "yes yes yes! Oh thank you. Thank you. What are the rules?" Tommy asks. "You can't run away, you can't tell anyone about our abuse, you can't talk to anyone but us, and you must stay near us at all times." Phil says "other than that you can run around and do whatever you want. You are allowed to get dirty just be careful. Also you have to let us paint you." Phil says. Tommy smiles and hugs Phil "thank you. I'll behave well. I promise! Thank you thank you thank you! You don't know how grateful I am." Tommy says basically crying tears of happiness. "Don't get to used to it. If we do let you go out then it's going to be a rare treat." Phil warns. Tommy nods in understanding before they both walk back to the two teenagers.

Hello human! How are you? Remember you are loved, you matter, eat food, drink water, I love you all<3

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