Chapter 10

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Tw: abuse, possessive behavior, murder, swearing, paralysis, blood, slight gore, suicide, death, and mentions/implications of insanity

Third person POV

Tommy awoke a little, feeling a soft, leathery surface underneath him. He started panicking as he sat up not knowing where he was. His vision was a little blurred from sleep and tears. He felt an arm wrap around him and squeeze. "Darling you need rest. We can talk more when we are at home." Someone said behind him. Tommy could tell that the person was trying to cover up the fact that three were angry but it wasn't working. Suddenly Tommy tensed and paled as he realized who the voice belonged to. He immediately started struggling but stopped when he felt a sharp pain in his chest. Wilbur smirked down at Tommy as he forced the other to lay back down. Tommy whimpered but didn't say anything. The car came to a stop as Wilbur picked Tommy up. Tommy, in to much pain to struggle, laid limp in Wilbur's arms.

The moment Wilbur set Tommy down the pain stopped. He felt a sharp stabbing sensation in his ribcage as someone bashed him with a hammer. Tommy screamed and convulsed in pain as shards of bone and flesh flew into his lungs, heart, and other important organs. Tommy tried to scream but couldn't. He felt blood seeping through his shirt and onto the couch. A worried but satisfied sound could be heard from one of the people. Tommy started feeling faint and began wondered if this was it, his death. At the hands of the people who ruined everything he was now going to die. He felt people pick him up and rush him out of the room. He could tell that they were shouting but he couldn't make out any words being said. He closed his eyes and felt himself drift off. He felt himself being placed on top of something before passing out with a smile in his face.

Tommy awoke with a loud gasp. He sat up before looking around. Tears started rolling down his face as he recognized where he was. He had been so close to escaping this torment. So fucking close! But, of course, they had to ruin it like everything else in his life. He heard yelling as he tried to sit up. His breath seized up in his throat as he tried again to sit up, hoping that this was some kind of sick joke. Panic clouded his mind as he realized that he couldn't move. He kept struggling to move but to no avail. His eyes started to cloud over with tears as he realized that he couldn't move. A woman doctor walked in and smiled sympathetically upon seeing the panic and fear in the boys eyes.

"Hello my dear child. I don't have long before the SBI get rid of me. I just wanted to tell you about what had happened." She said with a sweet smile. "Your spine was broken by extreme trauma to the back. We were unable to treat it fast enough so you will be paralyzed for life. You will have to be in a wheelchair and you won't be able to do much of anything without help. You are very lucky to have survived that. Not many people could although... given your situation I wouldn't be surprised if you considered that more of a curse. You won't be alone almost ever as the spinal cord is unable to heal itself and we don't have a cure. You might be able to move your head and limbs a little after a long time but there is no guarantee." The woman smiled as the door creaked open. The woman's face paled as she quickly said "I am so sorry my child but my time is up. I'm sorry that this happened to you an-" she dropped dead. Falling on top of the hospital bed that Tommy lay in was the nurse. Tommy tried to scream but nothing came out. Tears rolled down his face as the sheets were stained red from the knife that had ripped through her flesh.

"Oh my sweet baby!" Wilbur cried out as he hugged the boy "You have been tainted! My beautiful moon! I'm so sorry that happened. I love you so so much." Tommy felt a weight being dragged off of him as a thump was heard. Tommy was pale as all shit from fear. Wilbur apparently noticed this because he asked for water before hugging Tommy again. All three members of the SBI seemed to be mourning the loss of the 'perfect' boy. Wilbur finally spoke up again and said "I'm so glad that you are still here with us. Unfortunately you've been tainted but you still look as beautiful as ever."

Phil put his hand on Wilbur's arm before saying "it doesn't take away from his features. That's what matters. We can still paint him and he will look just as beautiful." Wilbur thought for a moment before nodding.

"Yeah you're right dad." He said. Tommy looked up with fear in his eyes as he saw the maniacal grin on Wilbur's face.

A few weeks had passed since that tragic accident and Tommy was done. He was literally never alone. He just wanted to be back to his old self. At the orphanage with Tubbo and Ranboo. Tears filled his eyes thinking about them. He would have killed those crazy sons of bitches if he could. However he was unable to because of his paralysis. Today was the day that Tommy decided that he was completely done. He couldn't do this shit anymore. He had to escape and go somewhere where they couldn't follow. Because the SBI was so rich and powerful, they managed to get a robot that would push Tommy wherever he wanted to go. Unfortunately for them but fortunately for Tommy this robot didn't have sensors. It didn't know where it was or where it was going. Tommy asked the robot, who had programmed locations that Tommy could just use eye movements to choose. Tommy smiled as he saw his chosen location.

The robot pushed Tommy towards the edge of a huge cliff. The cliff had been overlooking the orphanage that he had loved so dearly. A sigh made it's way out of Tommy's lips as he felt the robot pushing him closer and closer to the cliff. After the SBI had killed everyone Tommy hadn't been back. He knew this cliff was very unstable but the SBI apparently didn't. He couldn't here any voices at all. He was at peace in his final moments. The robot took one more step and- CRACK! The tip of the cliff broke off leaving Tommy free falling. Tommy wore a smile on his lips as he fell, closer and closer and closer to the ground until finally several sickening sounds echoed through the valley. Tommy hit the ground with such force that he died instantly. He rested happy with his friends and family who had died in that orphanage.

As for the SBI they found Tommy's dead, broken, bloodied body. This death caused Wilbur to go insane and die very quickly after Tommy. Techno lasted far longer but once Phil passed Techno just kind of gave up. For their actions in their lives they never saw Tommy again. However, since Lady death loved Phil and was just as crazy, she got them out of punishments. Luckily for Tommy he was protected by his family, friends, and gods who all agreed that he didn't deserve what he went to.

Tommy lived in the afterlife with his friends in happiness forever. While the SBI lived bitterly that they would never see their moon again.

Hello humans! What did you think of this book? I am so sorry for not updating. Remember that you are loved, you matter, eat food, drink water, I love you all<3

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