Chapter 6

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Tw:implied abuse, kidnapping, and running away

Third person POV

Wilbur and Phil both carried the passed out boy back to his room. "Wow that was...something." Wilbur mutters. "Yeah. We really have to do something about it and fast. If we don't he might actually escape." Phil says. "Dad can we not punish him for that attempt? He was probably just panicked. He had just seen everyone he had known die. Also he had just woken up. If we lock everything and let him get oriented he might be calmer." Wilbur says. Phil thinks about it before sighing "fine. We won't punish him for that but if he tries to escape again we will have to punish him." Wilbur smiles gratefully at his dad before sitting back down next to Tommy. "thank you father. I'm going to grab my painting supplies and paint while I watch him." Wilbur says. Phil smiles "of course. Dinner will be done in about an hour. Hopefully he'll be up by then." Wilbur hugs his dad before running and grabbing his art supplies. Once he gets back he sees Tommy sitting peacefully in his bed. "Your so beautiful. I can't wait to paint you little brother. First though we must teach you how to do things correctly. We must be patient in order to create the best pictures." Wilbur says before going back to his painting. Tommy shifted in his sleep with an uncomfortable look in his face. He wasn't ready for what was to come.

Tommy sat up and looked around. He groaned as a pounding settled into his head. "Toms lay back down. You might have a concussion but we aren't one hundred percent sure." A man said. Tommy backed up a little on the bed. His memories were flashing past him and he stared at the man in fear. The man smiled down at him. "Why are you looking at me like that? I'm your friend and your brother." He said smiling. Tommy gasped a little in fear and pain at the man. The words 'brother' and 'friend' sounded wrong coming from him and his smile looked creepy and wrong. Tommy involuntarily let out a whimper that the man heard. "Oh no. No no no. Don't be afraid dear! I'm right here. Big brother Wilbur is here." Wilbur said slipping onto the bed and pulling Tommy into a hug. Wet paint smeared on Tommy's arm where Wilbur's hand had touched. "Shhhhhh shhhh Toms. Calm down. I'm here." Wilbur whispered. The paint dried quickly and Tommy let out a shaky breath. "There you go. I'm here." Wilbur mutters, running his hand through Tommy's hair. Tears freely flowed down Tommy's cheeks and Wilbur rubbed them away. "Darling stop crying. Let me check to see if you have a concussion and then we can go and see the other members of this family." Wilbur says.

After Wilbur checked Tommy and got a doctor to check for a concussion it was discovered that he didn't have a concussion. "Alright thank you Doctor!" Wilbur says with a smile. "Of course Mr. Wilbur." The doctor says. He still looked dazed, probably because he had just met a very famous person. "Alright Toms! Are you ready to meet our family?" Wilbur asks. Tommy nods and reaches for Wilbur's hand. Wilbur notices a small area of paint and grabs Tommy's hand. He quickly dragged Tommy into the bathroom and started to scrub off the paint. Luckily it came off fairly easy so it didn't take to long. Wilbur took Tommy's hand and dragged him to the other members of the family. By now dinner was done so Wilbur took Tommy into a large dining room. "Tommy just woke up. He doesn't have a concussion or anything so that's good." Wilbur says to a man who was slightly shorter than Wilbur. "Ok thank you Wilbur." The man says before Wilbur walks away and the man walks towards Tommy "Hello Tommy I'm Phil but you can just call me dad or father." Tommy blinked a little "...Hi... I'm Tommy." Phil smiles and pulled Tommy into a hug "you don't have to be nervous around me. Just don't break any rules that we will discuss over dinner." Tommy nodded. "You should go and meet Techno." The man says. Tommy nodded and Phil took him towards a backyard. "Techno! Tommy's awake." He yelled. A man around Wilbur's age appeared from a snow covered house. "Hello Tommy. I am Technoblade. Just call me Techno or Tech." Technoblade said in a monotone voice. "Alright. I'm Tommy." The young boy said. The older man didn't react but Phil smiled "come on inside. Dinners ready." Techno nodded and Tommy followed Phil inside. They all sat down except for Tommy. He was waiting for instructions because he didn't know what the punishment would be if he messed up. He's seen firsthand what these people are capable of. Phil smiled at Tommy and said "come stand next to me. I want to show you something's." Tommy nodded and followed Phil.

They finally arrived in a small room. It had a few sheets of paper with writing. "These are all the rules. I will tell you what they are. Just know that every time you break a rule the punishments get worse." Phil says "so rule number one: don't argue with us. Just as long as you do what we say you will be fine. Number two: don't ever leave this house. Number three: listen to us always. Number four: always be proper and don't let yourself slouch or fall into an improper position. Number five: don't talk to anyone but us. Number six: don't question us. Number seven: we will be painting you. Just let us do it. Number eight: don't make any messes on yourself. If you accidentally break something and it just falls on the floor that's fine but if you get cut or get dirty tell us immediately. Number nine: don't mess up our paintings. Number ten: no swearing. Finally number eleven: always tell us if anything happens like you get messy or you messed up a painting. We probably won't punish you for that. That's all Toms! We hope that you are comfortable and happy here." Phil says with a smile. Tommy blinks a few times but doesn't say anything. "Let's go back to the table shall we?" Phil asks as he takes Tommy's hand and leads him back to the table. Those are weird rules. Hopefully I'll be able to survive this. Tommy thinks worriedly as Phil drags him back to the table.

Hello humans! How are you? Remember you are loved, you matter, eat food, drink water, I love you all<3

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