Chapter 1

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This chapter contains small mentions of FoolSamPonk (Foolish x Awsamdude x Ponk), Karlnapity (KarlJocobs x Quackity x Sapnap), and Dundy (Dream x Fundy)it's not a major part of the story. Please don't hate on this story just because of the ships.

Tw: really nothing it's just a very sweet chapter!

Third person POV

Tommy sighed as he sat up in his bed. His raccoon ears popped up and flickered around a little. He laid back down and tried it go back to sleep when his door creaked open. He heard footsteps coming towards him. Someone shook him in an attempt to wake him up. "Toms it's time to wake up." Dream says. "Mmmmmmm no." Tommy says. "Alright he won't wake up Tubs." Dream says. Tommy opens his eyes and feels someone get on the bed. He raises his head just a little "Tubbo please. Tubbo we can talk abo-" Tommy's voice gets cut off when Tubbo steps onto his back. "Tubbo please. I'm up. Get off of me." Tommy says. "No." Tubbo says happily. "Alright well you asked for it." Tommy says as he sits up, knocking Tubbo off of his back. Tubbo falls over onto the bed and Tommy pounces of him. They both fall off of the bed but stand up laughing. Ranboo was watching them anxiously and Dream had walked over to make sure that they were alright. "Ok you little rascal's. It's time for breakfast." Dream says as he pats Tommy's head. "Ok mr. Dream." Tommy says. "Tommy how many times do I have to tell you. Don't call me mr.Dream just call me Dream. It makes me feel old." Dream whines. "But you are old." Tommy and Tubbo both say innocently before running off laughing. Dream runs after them followed by Ranboo who just walks after them. Ranboo, Tommy, and Tubbo can hear Dream yelling after the two shorter boys. When Ranboo finally meets up with them again he sees the two boys laughing while Dream, Sapnap, and George were all talking to each other. "Hello again Ranboob!" Tommy says. Ranboo sighs "it's RanBOO not RanBOOB." They mutter. "Same difference" Tommy says before Tubbo smacks him on the back of the head. "Hey! What was that for?" Tommy demanded. "Don't talk to my husband that way!" Tubbo yells. Tommy sticks out his tongue at Tubbo but says "I'm sorry Ranboo." Tubbo smiles and hugs Ranboo.

The three boys continued eating breakfast when a young boy with a purple hoodie came into the room with the owner of the orphanage. The woman's name is Puffy and she's very kind. Dream is her son and his other brother Foolish helped build the building. Foolish is a construction worker and he helps his mom whenever he can. He's married to two people named Sam and Ponk. Ponk was a war survivor. In the war Sams twin brother, which everyone calls the warden, took off his arm. Sam and Ponk also helped out around the orphanage. Ponk is incredibly good with kids and Sam can be very kind under the stern mask he puts on. Sam helped improve security in the building and he works as a prison guard. Ponk helps out around the orphanage and has a job as the chef. Puffy is very sweet and tolerant with the kids. Sapnap and George also work there. Sapnap has two fiancés named Karl and Quackity. Karl worked at a historical museum and Quackity worked at a casino. Dream was also dating a young man named Fundy. He was very kind and he is the son of a famous artist. Fundy wasn't actually the man's son but they pretended he was. In all reality Fundy was only a year or two younger than the artist. Tommy had yet to meet the man but apparently they would come in soon because they wanted another child.

The young boy walked over to Tommy and his friends and they start a conversation about Minecraft. Puffy talks to her son for a little and he nods at something she said. Dream walked over to the table with the children. "Hey you know Fundy's 'dad' right? Well he's going to be coming here with his family because they want to adopt someone. I just want to give you guys a heads up that there are going to be people here." Dream says. The children nod and go back to their conversation. Dream smiles and goes back to his friends and boyfriend. "I hope Tommy gets adopted. He's been here the longest and I would love to see him go to a good home." Sapnap says. "Yeah I do to but I'm worried for what will happen when Tubbo, Tommy, and Ranboo are separated. Those three have never been without each other." Dream says worriedly. "It'll be okay Dream. They will manage and they can still probably find ways to hang out with each other." George says. Dream nods before turning to his boyfriend"are you alright hun? You seem troubled." Dream says. He wraps his arm around Fundys torso and pulls him into a hug. "Yeah I'm just a little worried. Wilbur and his family can be... eccentric. They have some very clear mental issues and they can sometimes be a little overbearing." Fundy mutters. "It'll be alright Funds. It will be fine. Who ever gets adopted by them will be fine. Puffy won't let them adopt if three aren't suited for a child." Dream reassures. "Yeah. Yeah your right. Thanks Dream." Fundy says resting his head on Dreams shoulder. "Of course Funds it'll be alright." Dream says. Puffy walks down the stairs with a sweet smile other are ready whenever you are!" She says. "You ready hun?" Dream asks as the group of Sapnap and George starts moving up the stairs. As of right now it was just Sapnap, George, Dream, and Fundy working as caretakers. Fundy takes a deep breath "yeah. I'm ready." Fundy says quietly. "Alright you head on up and I'll get the kids." Dream says as he lets go of Fundy. Fundy nods and runs up the stairs. Dream turns to the kids and smiles "hey the people are here. We can go up whenever you all are ready." "We're ready Dream!" Tommy says. The others at the table all nod in agreement. "Alright then. Let's head up!" Dream says. Tommy and Tubbo run past him, racing each other. Purpled and Ranboo walk behind them and talk. Dream smiles fondly at them and starts up the stairs as well. He hopes that all of these kids get taken to good homes.

Hello humans! How are you? What did you think? Remember you are loved, you matter, eat food, drink water, I love you all<3

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