𝖝𝖝. the verdict

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Dallas sat in court with her ankles crossed watching as her lawyer questioned Javion

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Dallas sat in court with her ankles crossed watching as her lawyer questioned Javion. He was already questioned by his lawyer right before this, then it would be Dallas's turn to take the stand.

She sat at the table, drawing small flowers on her lawyer's legal pad as Javion droned on and on about Dallas being a bad mom. It didn't help that both of her parents were in the peanut gallery, on Javion's side sitting with his parents who had Promise with them.

It was a Friday where Promise was going to be with him for the weekend and Javion brought her to court after Dallas dropped her off to him this morning. She hated that he was bringing her around to see them like this but at this point she couldn't find the energy to care.

On Dallas's side was Emilia and Ronnie with August, both of them sneaking in from the back since there was a ton of media camped out in the front. August's knee bounced up and down as he watched Javion sit on the stand. Emilia reached over and put her knee on his leg, "Stop." She whispered. "You're making me anxious."

His knee came to a stop before he just took a deep breath.

In the front of the court room, Mr. Blu was looking at Javion, "So we've talked about Instagram lives, inappropriate pictures that Ms. Evans has taken, and relationships that she's been in. Mr. Beckham, how do you think these things affect my client's ability to parent?"

Javion sat up, "Well, I just feel like her actions will reflect on Promise. She's impressionable, she looks up to her...mom, which she shouldn't because Dallas isn't the best role model."

Dallas rolled her eyes, "Javion who are famously dating Shay Lopez who is an active lingerie model on Instagram. Wouldn't you say that her provocative ways can also rub off on your daughter?"

"Not at all, Shay is never like that around Promise. Dallas is, that's what makes them different."

"Thanks for speaking with me today, Javion. No further questions." Mr. Blu went and took his seat next to Dallas, only standing when the judge began speaking again.

"Fifteen minute recess," Judge Campbell sat up. "Then we'll hear from Dallas Evans." He banged his gavel and Dallas stood up, walking to August who had also stood. They both left the court room, walking down the hall and sitting on a bench in the hallway.

Dallas was quiet for a moment before just stomping her foot, "They really got screen recording of old Insta lives. They wack."

August watched as she stood up and began pacing in front of him, "Ay. We not doing that." He grabbed her hand and pulled her to stand in front of him, right in between his legs. "It was a stupid video, you got real evidence."

She nodded, putting her hands on his shoulders, "I know but the judge look like he's really buying what he's saying." She moved her hands to her face. "I can't lose my baby, August, I can't."

𝐁𝐑𝐎𝐊𝐄𝐍 𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐌𝐈𝐒𝐄𝐒Where stories live. Discover now