ⁱⁿᵛⁱˢⁱᵇˡᵉ ˢᵗʳⁱⁿᵍ ( ᵐ.ˢ )

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summary: Matt and Y/n have been friends ever since they bumped into each other at party they were both trying to hide from🤞

Flashbacks will be in italics!


I was laying in Matt's bed when invisible string by taylor came on, and I realized how true it was. I reminisced the first time I met Matt without his two other nimrods with him.

Why, oh, why did I let alahna drag me here. I hate this stupid party. Maybe if I stand in a corner, no one will see me . Okay y/n just look at your feet, and you'll be okay. Keep walking, keep walking, I tell myself until I feel myself run into someone. " Holy shit I am soososososo sorry I never meant to do that," I say, still looking down. " uhm, it's okay y/n don't worry about," I hear a familiar voice say while I look up and realize it's Matt. " shit I really am sorry, Matt. I just don't want to be here at all." I say, trying to hide my blush from embarrassment. " nonono, don't worry about y/n. Do you wanna get out of here?"
I hear Matt say, but instead of answering him, I just open the door that led to the front yard. " I'll take that as a yes !" I hear him say laughing." That's the biggest yes I've ever had to say in my life." We both look at each other and laugh running towards his car.

Matt walks in and sees me in thought and hugs me while asking what I'm thinking about. " Just thinking about how all along there was some invisible string tying you to me. Matt looks at me with an arched brow. " Did you just quote Taylor Swift?" I look at him with a smile." You've been listening to taylor??" Matt laughs and Nick bursts in " HE PLAYS IT ALL THE TIME IN THE CAR Y/N" Matt just sits there laughing, and I look up, saying," I know YOU LOVED HER"

we drive to a small yogurt shop, and that's when I noticed he's wearing a teal colored shirt. " Matt wanna know something crazy, I used to read at this park. I think it was centennial and used to think I'd meet somebody there." Matt laughs and says " don't worry hopeless romantic you're not alone I used to work here to make a little money and I hoped someone that was just like me should walk in " we stare at each other and laugh!

"Hey Matt, are you hungry?" I ask him! " Just a bit why?" HE asks with a look on his face. " Matt, why else would I ask you if you're hungry? Let's go get fooooodd!!!" I say dragging out the o in food!! HE laughs, then we get up off the bed as he grabs me and lifts me over his shoulder while walking down the stairs. " MARYLOU YOUR SON IS PUTTING ME IN HARMS WAYYYYYYYY!" I scream when as soon as we are on the last step of the stairs, he sets me down. Marylou comes over and says, " Matt?" He looks at her with a smile." Yes, mother !" I giggle at his sudden politeness. " What are you doing to my poor daughter in law ! " he looks at me then picks me up again and says," CANT TALK GOTTA GO LOVE YOUUUU!!!!!"

I think about the time he and I went to LA for his first time and went to my favorite spot for dinner! The waitress was bold and put her number on the recipe. As we walk out, I ask him, " So what do you say, Matty b wanna go prank call ?" He looks up at me and says," To who?" I giggle and give him a mischievous grin." Hmm, i don't know this waitress girl who I just so happen to think of!" HE looks at me laughs and says," Well, let's go."

Matt and I get to the car, and I say, "we should get food and then have a picnic at the park I told you about! " he looks at me and says," centennial Park??" He remembered. " That one!" I say, and he starts the car." First, things first miss invisible strings. What to eat?"


One single gold thread tying you to me <3

A/n: I loved this imagine sm!!!

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