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I was walking around the park with the triplets. It was mid- summer, so it was pretty hot, leaving me wearing Jean shorts and a lacy baby doll top and adding a hint of gracie abrams with a bow. We hadn't decided what we were going to do but we knew we wanted to film a YouTube video, eat, and thrift shop!!! I was glad to get out of the house. It's been so draining every day waking up late so I don't have to deal with anyone and stay up late to be alone. Thankfully, Matt asked to hang out because I don't think I could go another day in that bored room.

" it's getting wayyyy, too, hotttttt." Chris whines like a child as he literally goes down the slide. Which makes me giggle, " cmon, let's go eat then! " I say excitedly also because I was dying to get into a/c. " Matt, I can drive if you want! " I tell him, hoping to gain more practice since getting my permit..... at 19 years old. " Uh, uh, no way. If they drive, I'm NOT getting in. " Nick says, shouting not. I scoff offended and then realized Chris of all people has been quiet during this interaction. " I'm not that bad of a driver, am i?? " I ask, not wanting to get offended but out of genuine curiosity.

" You're not bad, so to speak, but you definitely need more practice, which is what we're gonna do later!!! " Matt affirms my thoughts, but he made me feel better about being a bad driver. " Okay, whatever, I'm hungry and sweaty. Can we leave now? " I ask, mainly annoyed that I sweating. Which for some reason has a laughing factor to it since the three burst into laughter. I just roll my eyes out them and get in the car, burning my arm with the seat belt metal while hastily buckling it in. " Ouch , god dmanit," I hiss, all three turn around in sync. These were the moments when I remember they definitely have some of the same brain. " Jesus, relax. I'm fine. I just burned myself. There's no need to go the shining on me. " I tell them referring to the twins in the shining who moved in sync.

" NOW CAN WE PLEASE GOOOO," Chris screams, and surprisingly, I agree. " yes please Matt pick a place and DRIVE. " I tell him hangryily ( a/n : This is a word now I take no exceptions ). " Okay, okay, I'm going," Matt says semi- annoyed.

We eat at this small place called Joe's pizza, it was honestly so good. I got some tortellini since they had traditional Italian food. Man, oh man, was that good ( a/n : I'm hungry ). " Oh my god, they have sweet tea. The world is so much better now. " I say to the triplets as I rush over to fill my cup with tea. While the boys get Pepsi's and Dr. Pepper.

" Sweet tea in the summer?? Really. " Nick asks me, " uhm yeah, can I not have tea in summer, or is that winter only activities??? " I quip back at him sassily ( a/n : sassily is the ban of my existence ) Nick rolls his eyes and laughs at me which earns him a punch on his arm, which earns me a fucking time out??? I don't know how that even worked. " y/n, because of that, you're sitting away from all of us," Chris says like he is the parent. I raise my eyebrows at him and then turn to Matt and trudge my way back to the booth next to us.

" Is this better?? " I ask Chris, he smiles and gives me a thumbs up, " PERFECT!! " he yells loudly as if we are miles away and as if we weren't in a restaurant earning him millions of weird glances from miles away, including me. I ended up walking back over there and eating with them 5 minutes later.


We were walking around the thrift shop, not finding anything good, all of us heartbroken since we all love thrift shopping ( a/n : macklemore who? )
" ughhh, I can't find anything. Do you just want to go back home, Matt?? " Nick asks him, holding up a blue mickey mouse shirt saying," Reigning dad joke champion. " I scoff. " Nick, this is amazing. Give me this." I snatch it out of his hand and run up to the cashier to check it out. Nick gives me an ' bitch r u fr? ' look and I just nod. " Okay whatever , but do we go home? " Nick asks all of us. I look at my phone to see it's almost 6 and my dad wanted me back at 5.

My eyes widen " Holy shit , guys I need yo get back to my house now, no funny business you got that! " I semi scold / tell them. I start freaking out as we're walking to the car tripping over my own feet and falling. " I'm gonna kill myself wtf. " I say making all of them laugh and I just give them an annoyed look as I anxiously walk to the car and get in.


I slowly walked into the house seeing my dad,step-mom, and all her family that lives with us eating dinner. " Oh my god - " I curse myself instantly. " Hey, no using his name in vain," my stepmom scolds me. " Yes, yes, I know, I'm sorry now, dad. I didn't know what time it was. I lost track, I'm sorry." I plead with him.

He gives me a look before getting up and walking over towards me " you're literally so annoying I don't need an apology, idgaf what the fuck you were doing with your friends, I gave you a time to be home at and you disobeyed me. " my dad scolds me. " I know and I'm so sorry I didn't mean to. " I plead before getting a hand to the mouth. Tears form in my eyes as I look to see my stepmoms family just eating and not paying attention.

" Now go in your goddman's room. I can't even look at you. No fucking food because I know you ate and you don't need more. " my jaw drops as I hear his words but I knew arguing would do nothing so I jsut slowly walked to my shared room that's not even mine anymore. As soon as I close my door I let the tears fall and just star at the ceiling before hearing my door open. " oh sorry y/n , I didn't know you were in here. " my cousin says. Great. I wipe my eyes and pack a bag and left.

This may seem dramatic and something in the back of my mind was telling me I was bullshiting. But I can't take the constant rude remarks about my body, how I look and how if I eat alit I'll not be attractive. Or " are you still gay " or " you never see us anymore. " or just one more sarcastic remark towards my wits. I couldn't take it so I walked to the only place I could think of the triplets house.
I knocked on the door three times, signaling it was me. " Oh hey y/n!! Did you forget somethin- oh are you okay? " Marylou asks me, and it takes everything in me not to fall apart then and there. " Oh yes, I'm just having some family troubles, so I was wondering if I could stay here for a bit! " I say mustering up as much false happiness I could put forth into my voice.

Marylou looks at me, and it's like she saw through me but didn't want to say anything. " Yes, of course honey! Just go put your bags in nicks room! I'm making dinner right now! Are you hungry? " she asks while letting me in. I thought about what my dad said previously, " uhm you know what, I just ate! " I tell her silently pleading with my eyes to not ask questions. And she reads them, she doesn't asks question and just hugs me letting a few tears slip. I pull away and thank her.

I walk up to nicks room and as soon as I open the door he hugs me. I'm assuming he heard downstairs conversation. And that's when I break. All the false hope if my father becoming better, the built up pain anytime he said something towards me it was all out and it felt great. But just like waves, they didn't stop coming. It was so overbearing but I knew if I didn't let it all out now it would be worse for me in the long run. Soon two people were added into the hug and we sat there hugging until marylou called us for dinner. That's when I knew this is my family not blood but them. I love them to the moon to saturn even if my house is haunted.

A/n : I loved writing this, I'm so sorry I haven't been writing as much <3333

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