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It's been almost six months since the triplets have gone home to Boston. I love their success, but I miss them.

Sophmore year is so ass. All my friends have left me because they weren't able to see Chris or Matt. Never thought I'd see the day where I was used by someone so they could be close to my brothers.

I love my mom, but I genuinely am trying my best, but I don't think she gets that. So I try harder till my breaking point. Today, it was so terrible.

At lunch, my anxiety got really bad due to the people I sit with kinda tossed me to the side. The only person who talked to me was this senior who is honestly the best. He gets me food and drinks from fast food places on his way to the school for lunch. He's like my replaceable brother at this point. I felt invisible, so all I did was read " better than the movies " and blast taylor,gracie,and phoebe. Then, in 8th period, one of my friends decided it would be funny to ship the guy I hate and me....

Finally, my last period in ninth. Which is my varsity theatre class this bitch thought it would be funny to not work on our lines for Alice and Wonderland. I honestly didn't care that much like her bad not mine but her talking as loud as she fucking can while I'm obviously trying to do a scene made me go fucking off.

I finally get home after the longest bus ride of my life it felt like when I realized the house was quiet. The most sickening part at this point with them being gone. It's always quiet even with Trevor barking rapidly when I walk through the door.

I've never felt so alone. I was sitting there thinking about my old friends who i thought were the gretaets people ever until i heard them talking to chris one time.
" chris did you know youre the better sibling" " duh" i hear chris say and laugh. " well dod u also know that ur sister cries because youre gone and is also so quiet at school. Its so weird???" .. what.. " get out of my fucking house" i hear chris say as he looks up and sees me standing outside his door.
********* end of flashback **********
I thought you were my new best friend but wish I knew better than. You were just out to get me. My whole world just fell apart. I smap out of my daze when I get a text from my mom. " Dinners ready hun." I forgot to eat at lunch, so I was starving, to say the least. As I'm waking downstairs with 'mirrorball' by taylor Swift blasting in my headphones, I see a trio of brown fluffy hair leaning over the table. I instantly knew it was them, but I wasn't about to ruin the chance to scare them. I quietly went down the stairs the rest of the way and started sneaking up on them until I was right behind Nick, knowing he would give the best reaction. " AHHHHH!" I yelled in the most loudest voice I could do. " WHAT THE FUCK HOLY SHIT IM GETTING KILLED " Nick yells as he jumps up in the air. I'm pretty sure he got about 5 feet in the air.

" y/n sturniolo. " My mom scolded me in a harsh tone. " I'm sorry - I'm sorry it was too funny," I say in between laughs while Matt,Chris, and now Nick are all dying laughing on the floor. " Kids, calm down. " I hear my dad say so I settle down and hug them each, greeting them. " What the fuck are yall doing here ?? Yall weren't supposed to be here till next month!"

They all glanced at each other like they knew something I didn't then in sync they looked at mom. She slightly nods. What the fuck is happening. This is like when I told them I'm gay for t-swizzle.

" Am I about to get scolded or something? What's happening???" I say with the tiniest voice I could muster after practically shitting my pants in fear. Nick glances at me and begins to talk about my ex - bestfriends and how sorry he was Yada Yada. To be honest, I tuned that part out. Why is everyone still talking about that. We get it. I got stabbed in the back, and there is no need to bury the knife deeper. I zone back in when I hear Matt speak up, I glance at him with a worried look, and he gives me one filled with certainty. "Y/n, we knwo you've been having a hard time with everything since we left and we wanted you to know you weren't alone and be there to comfort you when you weren't feeling the best." Matt finished saying while I fidgeted with my thumbs.

"Oh." it sounded like a mouse spoke. Folklore was still blasting in my headphones so I paused them and took them out. With as much courage as I could muster I let out of my scratchy throat " guys I'm good there is no reason why you should stop succeeding in your life for me??" I hear chris sigh " y/n this is what we're tlaking about you need to stop caring what people do or think about you okay. We love you which is why we're here." I'm starting to become slightly agitated " don't you think I've tried chris. I've tried to not care what people think about me or what they do for me but I can't okay I just cant." I let out the last part almost at a whisper. I look up with my head hung low. " now if you'll excuse me I'm going to my room" I leave the plate there. I was sitting in my room for about 15 minutes just staring at the ceiling when I heard a knock. I knew it was the triplets but I couldn't be bothered to get up to let them in. " come in " I say as a whisper. they all walk in and as soon as I look at their faces I feel guilty. Everything that was bubbled up inside me got let out on the wrong people. My favorite people were now here witnessing the rudest side of me all because I can't just talk. I make eye contact with Matt's sad eyes and break down. " I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to take everything out on you" I say through sobs. They rush over to me and engulf me in a hug while comforting me.

This is what I needed. I don't feel so alone anymore.


A/n : Could you tell I was projecting, or did this just seem like I was an incredibly talented writer??? Anywyas ily take care baes!!! ( mot proofread, btw)

wc: 1168 <3

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